Lunch & Learn: "The Capabilities of Powerpoint" with
Mary Collins Monday, 26 February, 11:00 am--12:30 pm in LRC102
March Art Sale Wednesday, 14 March in front of the Brish Library, LRC: 11 am--7 pm
Thursday, 15 March in front of the Brish Library, LRC: 11 am--7 pm
Saturday, 17 March at the Flower & Garden Show, ARCC Lobby: 9 am--5 pm
Sunday, 18 March at the Flower & Garden Show, ARCC Lobby: 10 am--5 pm
Art Club Sale Raffle
Wednesday, 14 March at 11 am thru Sunday, 18 March at 4:55 pm.
The winner was
Joyce Sheets of Washington County. She bought many tickets
and won the vase donated by Professor Ben Culbertson.
Day Trip: Penn Alps Arts Center & Old Bedford Village Friday, 23 March 9 am--6:30 pm
Trip to NCECA
Tuesday Evening, 27 March thru Late Saturday Night, 31 March Charlotte, NC Theme of the 35th Annual Conference: "Evolving Legacies" On-site Conference Liason thru Winthrop University
Sketching Longwood Gardens Good Friday, 13 April, 7:30 am thru 9:15 pm What's in Bloom There Now CP Overnight Friday, 20 April (5 pm) thru Saturday, 21 April (12 N)
Students, alumni, & faculty let their creative juices flow during an all-nighter! (w/ potluck) Open
• Darkroom • Mac Lab
• 132 L Free Lab • Main Studio
• Design Studio • Clay Studios
Art Clay Silver Workshop with Dede Mandrell Friday, 20 April at 7:30 pm in CP-126 C Materials fee: $12 for anyone.
RakuFest VI with Rakumaster Garth Robertson Tuesday, 24 April
First Firing at 1:10 pm
The Club demonstrated this Japanese ceramic glazing technique in the Lower Quad!
May Art Sale Tuesday, 8 May & Wednesday, 9 May
in front of the Brish Library, LRC: 11 am--7 pm
Thursday, 10 May in front of the Brish Library, LRC: 11 am--3 pm
Spring Student Art Show Mother's Day, Sunday, 13 May: Gallery Open
from 1 pm thru 8 pm.
Monday, 14 May thru Thursday, 17 May: Gallery Open from 9 am thru 9 pm. Free.
Friday, 18 May: Gallery Open from 9 am thru 3 pm. Free.
Reception began at 6 pm on Monday, 14 May. A chance to meet the artists. Free. Kepler Theater Lobby and Stage Area.
Lecture began at 6:40 pm. Show Judge Theresa Ganley offered a critique of the winning entries. Kepler Theater
Lobby. Concert began at 8 pm. The Washington County Museum of Fine Arts Recorder Consort offered a "Sampler of Recorder
Music from the Last Six Centuries." Concert ended at 9:30 pm. Free. Kepler Theater Stage.
May Art Raffle Drawing:
Wednesday, 16 May, 1 pm
The Raffle Drawing was rescheduled to 1 pm Wednesday, 16 May, at the final Art Club meeting. Chances were $1 a piece. Prize Winners
The Raku frog paperweight by Nancy Crossley Blank was won by Jenni Savoy.
The lidded jar by Ben Culbertson was won by Dick Hunnisett.
The Raku bud vase by Brian Todd Simmons was won by Mim Reisberg.
International Club Trip: Toronto, Ontario & Upstate New York Sunday, 10 June--Friday, 15 June
2001 $150 for HCC students | $200 for others Toronto: 3 Nights | Alexandria
Bay, NY: 2 Nights Art Club members that went: Audrey Berdanier, Cindy Digulimio, and Bobby Watkins.
Congratualations to Club members Cindy Digulimio, Walter J. Gostowski, Jr., and Julie E. Miller. Cindy, who attended the graduation ceremony Thursday Night, 24 May, received a plaque for her hard work in club activities.
Congratulations to former HCC Art student Chad Wiles! Look for him on Creative Industries' new ceramic equipment poster.
Congratulations to Professor Audra Haddock-Martenot for her winning entries ("Liquidity" and "Synthesis") in the Cumberland Valley Photographic Salon now on display at the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts!
The Art Club announces the engagement of our Miss Melissa Jo Leaf to Mr. Michael Mastrangelo. Best wishes! Are they registered at Clayworks Supplies?
The Art Club at HCC c/o: Professor
Ben Culbertson, Department of Visual Arts Coördinator
CP Building Area 126
11400 Robinwood Drive
Hagerstown, Maryland 21742-6590