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Art Marathon!
Friday Night, 17 April–Saturday Morning, 18 April 2009
Last Marathon to be held in the "old" Huber Art Building!
"Generations": Special appearances by HCC Art Marathon Veterans Tom McFarland (quick portrait sculpture demo; Lisa & Luke Zimmerman (forging demo); Brian Simmons (free eats pig-out demo)
Open Studios, w/ main activities on Lower Level, Ceramics & Bookmaking Areas
Breakfast ⇒ at 6 am, courtesy of Gail Chapin at chez Culbertson, for those nine who went the distance!
Other workshops: Steve Dolbin: Art Career; Prof. Keely: Tornado Painting; Emily Santa: Paper Marbling & Quick-firing in a Raku Kiln with Iron Chloride mixtures over Terra Sig; "How to Draw a Bunny" (a Ray Johnson biopic)
Wednesday, 8 April–Saturday, 11 April
43rd Annual Conference
Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix Convention Center
Theme ⇒ "Ceramic Interface: From Dawn to Digital"
Ben is to attend with one senior student, Art Education major Jeff Kuratnick.
our 5th Annual, the weekend before the 4th of July, 26–28 June 2009:
Friday, 26 June • Saturday, 27 June • Sunday, 28 June
Canal Campground, Harpers Ferry, MD
a.k.a. Mim's Arts Park
18th Annual

Sunday, 31 January 2010
back at the Elks Lodge #378, at the intersection of Medical Campus Drive & Robinwood Drive, Hagerstown
Admission tickets are $50 (c/o Temple Abraham, Hagerstown)
Great soups! Other good food! Roger Schlossberg's Arts & Crafts Auction! The Raffle!
To avoid pop-up ads, bookmark http://www.geocities.com/hccart.
>> Schedule of Events 2008Sign up for events by e-mailing us at HCCArt at Yahoo.com or by contacting an active member. Reservations for events with a cost are only official after payment is received.
BenFest IV
Friday, 1 August–Sunday, 3 August
Harpers Ferry, Maryland
Canal Campground
Events: Camping, Potlucks, Swimming, Pit-Firing, Wood-Firing
See description at left.
Wednesday, 19 March–Saturday, 22 March
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
David L Lawrence Convention Center
42nd Annual Conference
Via carpooling. Theme: Innovation, Community, Environment
See description at left.
Potters Bowl 2008
Sunday, 10 February 2008
at the Elks Lodge on Robinwood Drive, Hagerstown
New venue, new bowls!
Admission tickets were $50 (c/o Temple Abraham, Hagerstown)
Over $17,000 was raised this year!
See description at left.
17th Annual

Sunday, 8 February 2009
back at the Trinity Lutheran Church, corner of North Potomac & Randolph Streets, Hagerstown
Admission tickets were $50 (c/o Temple Abraham, Hagerstown)
Great soups included Turkey Sausage & Bean, Hungarian Goulash, Shitake Mushroom & Barley, Chicken Tortilla, and Chicken & Matzah Ball!
Other good food! Roger Schlossberg's Arts & Crafts Auction! The Raffle!
Potters Pictures
by Charlie Burdick
Later Summer 2008 Friday, 1 August • Saturday, 2 August • Sunday, 3 August
Canal Campground, Harpers Ferry, MD
a.k.a. Mim's Arts Park
Theme: Pit-Firing/ Wood-Firing
Back by popular demand: Potters on the Potomac, otherwise known as BenFest!
Friday, 1 August • Saturday, 2 August • Sunday, 3 August
"Scheduling has always been difficult, given the popularity of our esteemed and beloved teacher. June and July were already tight. Our best shot was the first weekend in August—same place, the former Canal Campground."
"This year's workshop was a pit fire and a woodfire."
Wednesday, 19 March–Saturday, 22 March
42nd Annual Conference
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
David L Lawrence Convention Center
Theme: Innovation, Community, Environment

Sunday, 10 February 2008
at the Elks Lodge on Robinwood Drive, Hagerstown
New venue, new bowls!
Admission tickets were $50 (c/o Temple Abraham, Hagerstown)
Over $17,000 was raised this year!
Previous Ceramic Club Events
Hagerstown Community
College's Home Page
Top Ten Signs Prof. Ben Culbertson Is Trying to Kill You
As of the last update to this Main Page on Saturday Evening, 28 March 2009, it had been visited 4,785 times.
For the Hagerstown-Centered Ceramics Art Club Use the Mim Clay (E-Mail) Network
For the Arts & Design Club at HCC c/o: Mrs. Heather Barnhart, Coordinator
Student Activities
College Center
Hagerstown Community College
11400 Robinwood Drive
Hagerstown, Maryland 21742-6590
Phone: 301/790-2800 extension 225
E-Mail: barnharth at hagerstowncc.edu
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