Personal Info About Me

Name : Peter Chan
Age: 19
Location: Dallas,Texas
Hobbies: Umm....lets see
              I like to go Fishing when i have time,
              talk to friends on the phone or online....
              shoot pool , play card games , shopping(
              video games(trying to beat Zelda now....hehe)
              Oh Yeah....chinese music...Love it very much...
                  (Fav singers.....Sammi, Jackie, Wong Faye, Ekin, Aaron, etc..)
              and I Love Animation....hehee....
           *Whats you favorite series or movie?*

Favorite Quote:    "Life is Like a Bag of Fortune Cookies, you will never
                                           know what your going to get"

My College

Click to get info about it
If you go there....tell me....i'll meet you personally.. :)