Shadow - 11/30/00 06:19:13 My | Comments: Oh che'. So much pain.......and yet in it we find such beauty. But we are budhists, in truth....our lives become defined by pain. You know what I think. *kisses your forehead and whispers goodnight*............p.s. you know you want muh jumblies |
Impaled Martyr (Mark) - 11/26/00 05:29:34 My URL: My | Comments: I looking at your site and thinking this looks cool, I;m going to look at it in more detail a bit later. |
sexalicious.nerd, Kayla - 11/23/00 18:50:53 My | Comments: Hey crimmy!! kick ass mother fuckin page.Nice pome(s) to!! well i havta go.ttyl. ~ kayla. ~ |
MaL. H. - 11/23/00 18:29:42 My | Comments: hEy babe, i told u that i would sign it but u do know now that URL's r for assholes but your not an asshole ur a hot bitch!! LoL LoVE -MaLErZ- |
-MaLErZ- - 11/23/00 18:29:14 My | Comments: hEy babe, i told u that i would sign it but u do know now that URL's r for assholes but your not an asshole ur a hot bitch!! LoL LoVE -MaLErZ- |
Angel - 11/18/00 08:39:02 My | Comments: Damn you for making me cry.. ;-) |
VoN.FrankeNstein - 11/11/00 14:08:34 My URL:http://3inch/ My | Comments: killer page bro...the poetry is very demented..gotta love it..heh well cya around.. VoN | - 10/21/00 20:27:44 My | Comments: Kewl-assed site, Crimz. I dun like Comet though. Grrr....nice though. |
- 10/13/00 07:56:20 | Comments: |
TimmmmmaY - 10/11/00 00:19:06 My URL: My Email:IdontREAD@mail.anyway | Comments: death to comet cursor |
Leather181,,,Elizabeth - 10/05/00 04:01:55 My | Comments: I LOVE IT!!!! ZAC WOULD TOO, ILL TELL HIM ABOUT IT |
deLusion -aka- Trish - 09/13/00 03:37:03 My URL: My Email:^^coming soon^^ | Comments: nice Page and Picz bro.. I will make time to read your poetry as soon as I getta chance..Lookit I signed La guestbook, heh.. my page should be up soon.. *hugz* =]] .Trish-_ |
SALYER - 09/13/00 01:30:41 My URL: My | Comments: kick ass page........mine sucks but hey.....i don't really care i have other things going on in my life right now |
Raven - 09/04/00 16:17:50 My | Comments: I ferGot ta write muh name :god im such a blonde: |
- 09/04/00 16:16:33 | Comments: WoOoO HoOoOo nice site baberZ!!! Love da dripping rose! i haven't finished Looking at da whoLe site yet but i definatLy wiLL!! Id teLL ya to go to my site but IT SUX!!! te hehe |
Yahoo! - 09/01/00 21:18:13 | Comments: test message |
josie - 09/01/00 19:34:00 My | Comments: gawd crimZ -luv the pics !!! You are alot more morbid than I thought you were, thats good. I truly love your page sorry it took me so long to visit !!! mwuah !!! ~kisses~ |
valarie...tourni...etc. - 08/12/00 06:05:59 My URL: | Comments: well..i stubbled across your page from the forum...your poetry is awesome..i love it..and your page is kewl too. -listening to vnv nation and talkin to you on Q- well good luck with the page. and life and everything. talk to ya later. |
Correy~ Princess Night~ - 07/18/00 02:52:46 My Email:NOYB@WHO.COM | Comments: Beep beep your the best! |
Ann - 04/10/00 04:05:54 My URL: My | Comments: hey! Nice webpage, nice poems. you are very good! WOW! Nice rose too! (yeah yeah I said that already), just some other negative comments, it takes too long to load your page, and I hate those stupid banners! you know, those suddenly pop up banners? They m de my pc so much slower! But over all, this is a very nice page! and I'll come back to read your poems. |
Skyler - 03/12/00 10:06:10 My | Comments: I knew since childhood, You my Kin and my blood, We lived together, Fo what seems like forever, No matter what I say or do, I support u all the way through, U've been a mentor, guardian and friend, We'l know each other till the end, You help me up when I'm down, U nake me smile and frown, WHat you really feel, You may not show for real, No matter what you'r my brother, Your my wise philosipher. |
Phoenix - 03/07/00 03:37:40 My URL:I suck. Meh. Deal with it. My | Comments: The Power of Pain The night brings forth the vison of fear. I toss and cry, the light thou know is near. My love is far; my Lord is here. Alas, the cosm of pain has passed, the trees bow low, my heart is trash. My feet take me to a shadowy place, where men seek refuge, and women seek death. I lay in mud, the fetus calls me home. It's cold outside. cold, inside. The Lord wraps around me, calling me home. I awake in the mud, as cold as before. No chance for me, to live through this embrace, why for I try, it is a mistake. But instead: I watch my life spiril forth. Again, through the brush of the maples and oak. Byron, knew this feeling I have. With drugs, and pain, and womanizing lives. The sublime light through the night's raven hair. The power of truth. The power of pain. |
Bediou - 02/16/00 20:12:06 My URL: | Comments: Herby my friend you're a freak.... but I like what you've done with your page |
- 02/14/00 17:33:37 | Comments: Memories we keep for they have meaning for our lives. |
Venom - 02/06/00 06:41:36 My | Comments: Powder In The Dark. I see Powder in the dark, a very bright white mark, through the arcade he stalks. Thoughts and acts as those of dark, reality is he's not. Crimson Tears = Herbert = Powder You need Rogain I need Slim Fast. |
Phoenix - 02/05/00 00:44:39 My | Comments: Your eyes ever covered by blinded coals of night. No one let into your soul, to revel in the beauty. Quiet temptation to let it all free. Peace. Happiness, at least you were smiling, babe. Nice Pictures. |
Phoenix - 01/28/00 01:49:36 My URL:This is a good a place as any... My | Comments: At midnight, in the month of June, I stand beneath the mystic moon. An opiate vapor, dewy, dim, Exhales from out her golden rim, And softly dripping, drop by drop. Upon the quiet mountain top, Steals drowsily and musically Into the universal valley. -E.A. Poe. |
Phoenix - 01/28/00 01:40:05 | Comments: |
BlackRose - 01/16/00 08:40:08 My URL: My | Comments: Deffinately a very nice site.. And some great poetry :) Keep up the good work |
May - 12/07/99 01:05:56 | Comments: Interesting site, although I must say it is troubling. You have revealed quite a bit about yourself, your thoughts and emotions... clearly I sense that you are reaching out for something to comfort you, to dispurse feelings of sadness and loneliness, such as that found in love. You have removed the "front" or the "armour" that most people take up to protect their inner selves from pain in this hyber-place. Is that truly safe to do in front of strangers. I can imagine the dangers criticism can inflict... Although if the response has been generally supportive, perhaps it can be beneficial if not theraputic. One question: where is your refuge? Where do you find safety/a haven? |
Dave - 08/14/99 22:31:15 | Comments: You need to get a life - and your comrades that have signed this guestbook need to learn the English language. Other than that - this page has nothing to offer - I found my way here through a link not to be traveled again. |
aolwildcat1 - 06/28/99 15:58:53 | Comments: this is cool.. |
In the Dead of Night - 06/02/99 06:32:48 My | Comments: No mortal shall stand in the way of dark minds melting together. -As this creature's shadow disappears into the night, all that remains is a silver rose. |
In the Dead of Night - 06/01/99 05:38:13 My | Comments: When darks minds meet under the slickish night, Their souls rejoice with great delight. My Dear Crimson Tears, never forget me. -As this creature's shadow disappears into the night, all that remains is a silver rose-In the Dead of Night. ps. I love clichés. |
In the Dead of Night - 06/01/99 05:38:04 My | Comments: When darks minds meet under the slickish night, Their souls rejoice with great delight. My Dear Crimson Tears, never forget me. -As this creature's shadow disappears into the night, all that remains is a silver rose-In the Dead of Night. ps. I love clichés. |
Riz - 05/31/99 08:08:10 My | Comments: Okay Crim, since you are soooooo fussy about it... here I am, signing your notorious guest book. Are you happy now, my eyeliner-wearing doll? |
Riz - 05/31/99 08:07:37 My | Comments: Okay Crim, since you are soooooo fussy about it... here I am, signing your notorious guest book. Are you happy now, my eyeliner-wearing doll? |
Riz - 05/31/99 08:07:28 My | Comments: Okay Crim, since you are soooooo fussy about it... here I am, signing your notorious guest book. Are you happy now, my eyeliner-wearing doll? |
Rizal - 05/31/99 08:06:20 My | Comments: Okay, Crim, since you are sooooo fussy about it... here I am, signing your guest book. Are you happy now, my eyeliner-wearing doll? |
* * Ki KI * * - 05/27/99 02:19:53 My URL: My | Comments: Gong Xi, Gong Xi... Crismon Tears Domain has great improvement! Making web page is fun, isn't it? Now u know why I was working on that file manager page all the time! btw, Thanks for all your help on May 8, Keep up your good work, and don't forget to h lp me carry (u know what) by end of June! ![]() P.S. hope my banner isn't too cute for your site : ) |
Bubbles - 05/26/99 07:13:32 My | Comments: awwwwwwww how sweet...... and yes, i've finally signed it! happy, my Klingon???? |
reven_enola - 05/26/99 04:02:07 | Comments: magnificent art uprooted from the dark depths of the soul. very impressive. i feel as though i have seen through your eyes and cried those same "crimson tears." |
Katie Chau - 05/24/99 23:58:48 My | Comments: Nice page... well.. nice erotica links.. haha.. I'll read some of your poems when I have time!! :) |
cyanne - 05/23/99 18:50:29 My URL: | Comments: i like (love) your poems! you know i do .. keep up the good work and dont forget to inform me of new ones you write! |
Natalie (Angel) - 05/22/99 07:06:16 My | Comments: Cool page!!!!!! Love the lay gotta help me with mine. PLEASE???????? C yaaaaaa Nats =) |
Ren - 05/22/99 06:17:59 My | Comments: You couldn't get much darker or weirder, I suppose that is why I like this page so much. The graphics are wonderful. Too bad you don't see it the way I do. |
Ophelia - 05/22/99 03:38:26 My URL: | Comments: Dark and gothic... I like it ;P |
Bediou - 05/22/99 02:24:15 My URL: My | Comments: Nice Page, I'm glad that it's finally finished.... by the way cool links S |