
black & white/color

Melanie and The College President make their first appearances in this strip.

Big mistake: When I drew Melanie shaking the President's hand in panel 2, I had her using the wrong arm. Because of that, I drew the same arm in panel 3 but with the wrong hand! I noticed it before the cartoon went to press and redrew the hand so that it was her left, albeit twisted around by the President. She's still shaking with the wrong arm, but...Oh, well.

While a mouse was featured in the previous strip, I made a last minute decision to include one of the furry critters in this and every strip that followed. The rodent in this strip is rather hidden, so see if you can find it. Hint: You can only see the top of its head.

I started using a darker pen for the text in this strip but was still too lazy to use a ruler.

A lot of people told me they thought the punchline of this strip was very funny, but I was happier with the visual humor (which I try to emphasize in every strip) of Melanie's hand breaking off and the President's reaction. The third panel is usually the joke's climax and the fourth panel punchline an explanatory comment.

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