...The Realm of Almighty Alpha Rho
History of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Special Gatherings and Reunions
History of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
The year was 1913...the day was January 13th...On this date, twenty-two exceptional women founded what is known today as Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Founded on the Campus of Howard University, the Alpha Chapter, composed of twenty-two dynamic women who surpassed the idea of "socialism", and decided to create a greater bond to respond to the call of serving people in need. Today, the organization prides itself in answering to the call of Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Service. Today, Delta members exceed the count of 200,000 with chapters nationwide as well as in West Germany, the Virgin Islands, the Caribbean, Japan, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Haiti, Liberia, and Korea.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, incorporated in 1930, operates under what is known as the "five point thrust", which are:
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., from its very beginning has always sought to represent herself as an organization dedicated to public service rather than a "social" organization. This is evident through her infinite effort to serve others.
Founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Osceola Macarthy Adams
Marguerite Young Alexander
Winona Cargile Alexander
Ethel Cuff Black
Bertha Pitts Campbell
Zephyr Chisom Carter
Edna Brown Coleman
Jessie McGuire Dent
Fredericka Chase Dodd
Myra Davis Hemmings
Olive C. Jones
Jimmie Bugg Middleton
Pauline Oberdorfer Minor
Vashti Turley Murphy
Naomi Sewell Richardson
Mamie Reddy Rose
Eliza Pearl Shippen
Florence Letcher Toms
Ethel Carr Watson
Wertie Blackwell Weaver
Madree Penn White
Edith Mott Young
The Alpha Rho Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was chartered on June 17, 1934 on the campus of the historic Shaw University by eight ingenious ladies. Alpha Rho, the third undergraduate chapter to be established in North Carolina, has endeavored to preserve the excellence and dynamic service instituted at the very beginning.
From her inception, Alpha Rho has sought to serve through various efforts on her campus and throughout the community. Some of our projects are:
Club Delta
Delta Week, Delta
of BingoSchool America, Deltaerobics
Halloween-O-Grams, Black Arts Festival
Charity Can Food Drive, Invitational Step Show
Male/Female Charity Auction, Fire & Ice Masquerade Ball
Black History Awareness Week, Breast Cancer Awareness Week
Project Voter Registration, Adopt-A-Highway, Black Issue Forums, 50/50 Raffle
Eleanor Nunn Scholarship, Educational & Informative Seminars, Dorthea Dix Hill Run
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The Charter Members of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Lucie Soresia Bradshaw
Thelma Ruth Brett
Mauguerite Bernice Brown
Ellen Oreda Clay
Annie Ruth Harper
Effie Marie Johnson
Elizabeth Alice Manley
Jeanette Francise Spruel
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Currrent Alpha Rho Officers
Soror Kiesa Quarles- President
Soror Theodisia James-Vice President
Soror Lakeisha Wells- Secretary
Soror Marshika Williams- Treasurer
Soror Erica Waller- Leader of the Minerva Circle
Soror Marissa Lee- Custodian
Soror Tivona Revell- Miss Delta Sigma Theta
Alpha Rho Calendar
September |
October |
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November |
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Spring 2000 |
January |
February |
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2 |
March |
April |
2 |
2 |
2 |
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1934 |
1948 |
1960 |
1974 |
1986 |
1936 |
1949 |
1963 |
1975 |
1988 |
1937 |
1950 |
1965 |
1976 |
1989 |
1939 |
1951 |
1966 |
1977 |
1990 |
1941 |
1952 |
1967 |
1978 |
1992 |
1942 |
1953 |
1968 |
1979 |
1994 |
1943 |
1954 |
1969 |
1980 |
1995 |
1944 |
1955 |
1970 |
1981 |
1996 |
1945 |
1957 |
1971 |
1983 |
1999 |
1947 |
1958 |
1972 |
1985 |
200? |
Special Gatherings and Reunions
The Planning is underway!!!! The first official mailing to contact all duly initiated AP Sorors has been sent...If you are an AP Soror and have not received your registration information then please contact us at Alpha_Rho1934@hotmail.com. The events will take place November 19-21, 1999. This will be our last chance during this millennium to get together so we will be sure to make this one the best. See you there!
Last Revised by Jamila M. Hall on September 28, 1999 at 3:30 p.m.