Bob Wagoner's Page
Bob's Top Ten N64 Games
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. NBA Jam '99: Definitely the best basketball sim yet.
3. Beetle Adventure Racing: This is a really fun racing game.
4. Goldeneye 007: Nothing has came close in this type of game yet.
5. Turok 2: Seeds of Evil- This game is awesome.
6. Mario Kart 64: You can't beat a classic.
7. All Star Baseball 2000: This one is better than Griffey. Wow!
8. Banjo Kazooie: This game is fun and challenging for all ages.
9. Madden '99: The best football sim ever made.
10. Mortal Kombat 4: This is definitely the best MK and fighter for N64