Welcome to brother's world ;)
This is a glimpse into the different aspects of brother's life...   
UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND REVISION--links are disabled due to future revisions and updates (sorry everyone...  I am working on graduating right now.  No time to screw around with my web page.  It will be the bomb when it comes back though.)
College brother: a look into college life
brother's boyz
brother's boyz (part 2)
brother in the kitchen
Travelling brother
Bartending brother?!?
Bad hair brother? ;)
Graduating brother
Professional brother
Wannabe hardcore brother!? Temporarily disabled... ; )  Too intense for most...  
Email me at:
brother's dear little brothers and sisters
Writing brother?
Pictures taken at Rachel's Party
Respectful brother
Let's see how good you are! Play brother's "baby ID game"