Hi. Welcome to My Home Page.

My name is Derek Brewin. I Have Lived in the Following Places:
Winnipeg, MB (local news) (weather)
Saskatoon (local news), SK, Canada
Penn State University in State College, PA, USA (local news)
Lethbridge, AB (local news)
Grande Prarie, AB (local news)
Taber, AB (local news)


Some of My Interests

Give for Free just by clicking a button and looking at adds at: The Hunger Site.

Canada's Outdoors

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. . . . I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner,and reduce it to its lowest terms." Henry David Thoreau (1817-62), U.S. philosopher, author, naturalist. Walden, "Where I Lived, and What I Lived For" (1854). The Canadian Shield is made of the oldest rock on earth. Check out some of the sites on camping in Canada: Canadian Parks a la Yahoo.

My Country

I think I live in the best Country on the planet. See these sites for reasons why: Canadian Heritage, Canadian Federal Services.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

I agree with a friend of mine who says that on the 7th day, before he rested, God Created CBC Radio. A great internet site with live broadcasts.

The Web

I'm still learning but here are a few sites I've found Useful: A Beginner's Guide to Surfing and Downloading, My Old Servers Guide to Web Page Building.

Habitat For Humanity

My Favorite Charity - They build homes for disadvantaged people who qualify for their homes by swinging the hammer themselves or supporting those who do by helping out where they can. Check out Habitat Canada. Winnipeg's annual bike ride for Habitat is a great way to raise money for Habitat and get in shape at the same time. My girlfriend Bethan and I participated. Our friend Miro's Bike Atlanta Page.


Renoir:An artist who saw the beauty in a dance: A Renoir Site With Period Music, Web Museum Site on Renoir.
van Gogh: Crazy guy who saw the best of us - love the potatoe eaters: A site with Vincent's letters to Theo, Web Museum Site on van Gogh.


I'm interested in health - of the body mind and spirit. I love food and I like learning about food that heals. Check out some of the nutritional sites I've found on the WEB: The Blonz Nutrition Page,  Ask Dr. Weil, (Author of Spontaneous Healing and 8 Weeks to Optimum Health)
and On Line Advice from a Dietitian.

Risk (The Board Game)

A game of world domination. Risk FAQ

The Market

Some good sites,  Charts, the CBOT and Academic Macro Stuff.

Canada's National Sport - Hockey.

Picture of my team in Saskatoon.

Some Stuff on My work

I'm an Agricultural Economist working for the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rual Sociology at the Penssylvania State University. IUsed to work at the Ag. Econ. Dept. at the U of Saskatchewan.

Some Other Links
My Bookmarks as of July 2000.
Friends' Pages: Kim Byrns and Miroslav Kolar.

Thanks for visiting. Feel free to drop me a line. d_brewin(at)yahoo.com.