Pat Cotter - 11/08/00 00:25:53 My Email:u know it Milo School: S.M.C.S. Fave Movie: Gladiator Fave Food: Fries and Chesseburgers | Comments: Hey Milo i want to build a homepage for my band but of course i'll nedd your help see ya at school ps. great web site |
Joey JoJo Jr Shabadoo - 10/02/00 02:53:58 My URL: School: You don't need to know Fave Movie: The Gladiator | Comments: Hey Milo, the page is looking pretty good so far...keep up the good work! and btw, thanx for sending me the link to that html site. i might find some use for it soon. anyways, i think that's all i have to say for now. i'll chat with you later on icq or whenever alright. see ya' |
Locutus of Borg - 09/30/00 20:07:29 My URL: My Email:64817309 School: Starfleet Acadamy Fave Movie: Star Trek: First Contact Fave Food: Gagh | Comments: " We are the borg, lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological destinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is Futile." Star Trek Rules!!!! "Time is the fire in which we burn..." - Dr. Soran "It's time to put an end to your trek through the stars"- Q "Seize the time. Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again"-- Picard "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you oughtta go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid."- Q |
jp - 07/23/00 23:39:13 My URL: School: S.M.C.S Fave Movie: Scary movie Fave Food: pasta | Comments: this webpage sucks!!! just kiddin! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! |
Matthew Oh - 07/15/00 20:21:49 My URL:Don't email me! My Email:Don't message me! School: SMCS Fave Movie: Return of the Jedi Fave Food: I don't know | Comments: Milo, I think you need more stuff on your website. Are you really getting a chat here? |
jules is too cool for you - 07/15/00 03:51:44 School: SMCS Fave Movie: the wood Fave Food: pasta | Comments: i love you milo, and will always love you, baby, rrrrrrrr!!!! |
Dan-Arwin Cantiller - 07/15/00 03:00:29 My , My Email:don't have it School: St. Michael's Choir School Fave Movie: Sleepy Hollow or Austin Powers (both the 1st and the 2nd) Fave Food: anything that doesn't look like shit | Comments: :) |