Overseas Medical Student Society


Greetings and welcome to OMSS Webpage 2000!    Latest News: 3rd Year Semester II Notes



[About OMSS] [Committee] [News& Events] [Publications] [Prospective Students] [Contact Details] [Resources] [Message Centre] [Intership] [Subject Notes]


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Latest News! 1/10/2000

Great news to 3rd year students: Andrew Huang, our past president, has kindly offered to post his 3rd year semester II notes on the OMSS page. Simply follow the "Subject Notes" link above to access it. Please read the disclaimer page before downloading the notes. Once again thank you Andrew!

The OMSS Dinner was a great success. Thanks to everyone for the generous support and a huge congratulations to all committee members - a job well done!


Latest News! 4/9/2000

Attention all medical students! OMSS is proud to present its Annual Dinner - "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Chopsticks" - at Dragon Boat Palace on Friday 22nd September. It is $28/person including free entry to the after-party at Metro Nightclub. Tickets are on sale in foyer of the medical building during lunch time every day. So grab your ticket today!


Latest News! 24/8/2000

I have added further extensions to this page, including the Guestbook for all visitors, and several broken links are now fixed. The OMSS Annual Dinner is coming soon so don't forget to reserve your special ticket!!


Latest News! 22/07/2000

Ok, the last "Expedition" theme wasn't of a great success so I've now changed it to a more elegant theme. The upcoming OMSS Annual Dinner will be held on . 


Latest News! 22/07/2000

NEWS: The OMSS Volleyball Challenge is now on!!!

NEWS: The OMSS Day Trip 2000 is now changed to August 12th!

May apologies for the delay of this information as my computer was down for quite a few days.

Latest News! 08/07/2000

This is the third update within the week and this time the trial version of the OMSS Message Centre is released. Simply click on the Message Centre button above to access it. You can post articles, announcements and trade textbooks there. I hope everyone will find it useful, so don't forget to tell all your friends. Also remember to visit our sponsor Blue Spirit at 200 Bourke St next time you are shopping!

Latest News! 06/07/2000

IMPORTANT: Latest "Internship Information for International Students 2000" is currently up - Quick Link -  or you can simply  download the entire document (44pages/206KB) .

I am in the process of designing the new frontpage, establishing a guestbook and creating a discussion board where people can trade textbooks. So don't forget to come back soon!

Latest News! 01/07/2000

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to the brand new OMSS Webpage. First of all I will like to take this opportunity to thank our previous web designer Wee Kheng Soo for creating such an extensive webpage. I have merely updated it with a brand new theme and debugged broken hyperlinks. Currently, several major additions to this webpage is under construction. So don't forget to visit our website every week. In the mean time, I present to you OMSS Webpage 2000 beta. Enjoy!