Netscape Users:
Konnichiwa Minna! Just would like to tell all of you that in order
to view this site, you'll need to set your screen resolution to
800 x 600 pixels,
otherwise everything will look really weird, or rather, out of
As I don't usually use Netscape to view/design websites, therefore,
there may be places that are not functioning. So I would really
appreciate it if you could send me an e-mail whenever you encounter
any form of errors or whatsoever.
Gomen Nasai for bringing any inconveniences for all of you! T_T
And hope that you'll enjoy your stay here!!! Domo Arigato for
visiting us at Warmth of Hokage! And we look forward to
serving all of you soon! ^_^
Internet Explorer Users:
Konnichiwa Minna! Also would like to tell of you to please kindly
set your screen resolution to
800 x 600 pixels, otherwise, everthing would look very out of
place. Sorry for any inconveniences caused!
Since I usually use IE to view/design websites, therefore, technically
speaking... *LoL*... There shouldn't be any errors, however, even if
you do encounter any errors, just feel free to e-mail me to let me
know yah? Domo Arigato!!! ^_^
Alright now, hope that this visit will be a pleasant one for all of
you! We could look forward to serving all of you out there! Til'
then... From all of us at Warmth of Hokage, Enjoy yourselves
and Ja Ne!