Amazingly enough, I think I'm gonna make it to my graduation.  I wanted to put a countdown on here but it seems that I can't.  I graduate on May 11 so you do the countdown yourself.  It's really not that hard.
My name is Emily and I'm a 22 year old female.  I'm a senior year nursing student at CMSU.  I'm living in Overland Park, KS this year which is a suburb of Kansas City.  I'm originally from Omaha, NE so I will definitely NOT become a  K-State or KU fan.  It's the Huskers all the way baby. 
Now that you've seen all this,  you're probably dying to get a hold of me. You can always E-mail me.  If you have AOL or Instant Messenger, my screen name is DixieChikEm22..
Butterfly girl
Me, Anna, and Bethany
Sexy girls
I'm a thief
My crazy friend Jenny
Jenny and Terrence
Me and Bethany
Me and Jenny
Chicks Rule

Mullets Rock!!

Check out my school...CMSU

Talk to other college kids on College Club

Meet Jenny's kitty...Ramone
Winston (so adorable)
You are visitor #
...since I don't know when.
The whole group...