Queen Marria, Princess Kandra and Siera Rose Webpage

Character Biographies

Name: Marria de Lupetta
Titles: Queen of All of Avalon
Birth place: Virgoian, Avalon
Description: She is a woman of distinguished beauty. She has long auburn hair and emerald green eyes. She always wears long elaborate gowns and a gold band around her right upper forearm. Her most notable accessory is the golden tiara that sits on top of her beautiful head.

Accomplishments: She is an accomplished swordsmen, as well as an expert archer. She is also very intelligent. She was taught in all the finest schools and has a tendency to be deceptive. She spent a year with Sakkarr Dax who allowed her to learn the art of Dark Magic.

Background: Marria was the first born child to the King and Queen of Avalon. She was born in Virgoian, Avalon on a cool September morning. Virgoian is the Capital of the Avalon Empire. Her parents died when she was 10 and she became Queen. On her 21st birthday, her Queendom was overthrown by her evil cousin Tatianna. She fled the Queendom with her little brothers Marcus and Nikolis. However, she left behind her only sister Siera(her Heir Apparent)to save the empire from her evil cousin. She also is protected by the spirits of her dead parents Giovanni and Elisabetta.
MagicType: Mysticism
Residence: Westbridge, Astelbania
Birthplace: Virgoian, Venus
Race: Human
Char_Age: 24
Gender: Female

Marria's dark side

Marria has arrived in Astelbania with an evil agenda. In order for her plans to work, she needs to join forces with the Archmage Sakkarr...Her intentions are malicious and destructive.....Her plan evil...

Name: Kandra Silvehart
Titles: Princess of West Bridge, Lady of the House of Astelbania,Lady of the Order of the Dragon, Intendent for Eylan Goldenbane.
Parents: Taemon and Jarethe Silvehart, King and Queen of WestBridge.

Appearance: The Princess has long flowing brown hair and sapphire-blue eyes. She wears a diamond tiara ontop of her graceful head. She is also been known to wear a silver gold band around her right upper arm.

Description: Kandra was born on a cold September evening under a full moon. Her mother had been told by the Lady of the Lake (Avalon) that her daughter was very special and that the god’s intended a lot for her. Because of that prophecy, the King and Queen of all of Astelbania were made her godparents. On her 3rd birthday, she was bethrothed to their only son Eylan Goldenbane. Hoping that such a union would bind their empires for all eternity. On her 13th birthday, her mother gave birth to a son. Unfortunately, the child’s life was brief. He died of complications only hours later. Sent into despair and sadness, the Queen of WestBridge died as well. Unable to cope with the pain, the King sent his only child (Kandra) away to the best school. There she was taught how to be the best person possible. She was also educated in the Arts of Weaponry and War.
She is now 23 years old. She sits beside her father in the Throne room not as his daughter, but as the Crown Princess of West Bridge and the Intendent bride of Goldenbane. Magic Type: Mysticism
Residence: WestBridge, Astelbania
Birthplace: WestBridge, Astelbania
Race: Human
Char_Age: 23
Gender: Female


This painting was painted right before the Princess left for Devensheer with an urgent message for King Gerald of Astelbania. Unfortunately the princess never made it to Devensheer. She was kidnapped and taken hostage by the evil Archmage Sakkarr.

Kandra's true side

This is a painting drawn by one of Sakkarr's artists...It captures the true side of the Princess...

Marria had one true friend. His name is Elijah. He is Marria's first cousin and 5th in line for the Avalonian Throne. From the moment that they were both born, there were raised together. However, when Marria's parents were killed and she became Queen of all of Avalon, she rarely was able to see him. When her cousin Tatianna came and overthrew Marria, she fled to the Allerian Empire. After almost two years of exile, Marria finally found Elijah again. He too had fled to Alleria unbeknownst to Marria. Finally together again, Marria has plans for her friend. Promising never to let him go again.

Marria and her parents

This was the last picture ever painted of the King and Queen. When Marria was battling in the war of Virgoian, an artist redid the painting and painted Marria in all of her splendor beneath her parents images. It was a representation that even through death they would lead her to victory. A victory that never came.

Kandra on her throne

This image is one that an artist painted for Kandra when she was younger.. It is his depiction of a vision that he had. He says that in his dream, an evil Archmage would kidnap her and place an enchantment spell upon her. A single guard kneels before her, to guard her throne and all that it represents. When Kandra heard of this, she immediately had the painting hidden in the attic of the castle, to be see by no one again.

Name: Siera Rose de Lupetta
Title:Princess of Avalon; Heir Apparent to the throne of Avalon
Birthplace: Virgoian, Venus


Description: She is known for her magnificant power over one's mind. She is the hauntingly beautiful little sister of Marria de Lupetta. She has long wavy red hair and haunting blue eyes. She is always in the finest garments, but even when she is in simple clothes, she has an aura of nobility. She has left Avalon in search of her older sister. She has come to Devensheer with ill intentions. She carries a dagger and a vial of poison. Her personal quest has led her to the Palace of the Crown to murder her sister. Her identity and her mission are cloaked by the fact that no one in the Palace knows whom she is. She will not leave Devensheer till her sister is dead.

Magic type: Mysticism
Residence: Currently MIA
Race: Human
Char Age: 20
Gender: Female

Here is a depiction of the Avalonian Civil War......
Marria during the Battle of Hastings

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