Be Careful What You Wish For....... |
Here are a few of the things that i conjure up anytime someone asks me to blow out the candles or crack a wishbone. |
I wish:
That I could meet all my favourite living bands |
That I could meet all my favourite DEAD bands |
That my hair and fingernails stopped growing |
For total world domination |
That I always knew what females are thinking |
That onions didn't stink |
For a pet manatee |
For hardcore sex eight times a day |
To stone someone to death |
I could urinate alcohol |
I could find a girl who sucks alcohol from the bottle |
For world peace....I guess |
You would go back |
I wish to tell you the little secrets that are flying around in my whithered mind. I wish you knew the torment and anguish that you are about endure. I wish that you had the key to my basement door. I wish for the sweet release of death to overcome me before I'm weak and feeble. I wish that the stars would fall from the sky in a pretty yet deadly fashion. I wish that you read this and start making a few wishes of your own. |