Geoff Lawson's Homepage
Welcome to my little corner of the vast internet universe.

My name is Geoff Lawson and I am from Milltown, Newfoundland, Canada. But I am currently living the poor student's life in St. Johns.

You'll find a little more about me
in here.
This is my list of things
Thing Thing


My Wishlist
The Severed Garden
(My own Doors website)
Jackknifed Juggernaut
(My Radiohead website)
(Take a wild guess)
Some pictures of me and others
Blue Star!
(Not much in here.....yet)
(Ranging between 2 to 5 years ago)
Signal Hill
Scanner Stuff
Naval Architecture
My E-mail addy is:
Sign My Guestbook
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Disclaimer: This page does not endorse the smoking of non-medicinal marijuana. I am not responsible for lost or stolen goods. The beating of the elderly here is STRICTLY prohibited. You shall not fondle yourself while viewing this website. If you smell the stench of rotting fish heads while reading this.....that's normal. Do not mess with brocktune. Smoking is strictly prohibited whlie visiting my site. The secret of life is not in your colon. Contrary to popular belief, reading any text on this page does NOT warrant the sacrifice of any dog, cat, or any other pet or rodent, to the god you believe in. If anybody goes on a murderous rampage after visiting my page, I am NOT at fault. However, if any female gets out of control (sexually) after reading my name, that's all my doing. You are getting sleepy.......very sleepy......
This page has been accessed by freaks like myself since Jan 29/99