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The Zealots

The Zealots were a group of Jews that formed under the rule of Herod the Great, a Judaic king. The Zealots are famous for their strong convictions and their resistance against Roman rule.

In A.D. 6, when Jerusalem was completely under Roman rule, authorities dictated that a census be taken to calculate the taxation of the Jewish people. As a result, the Zealots called for a rebellion.

One extremist group of Zealots, called Sicarri (dagger men) used terrorist tactics, killing and assassinating Romans and Jews who favored the Roman authority. That rebellion was quickly put down. A lot of them were killed. Still, the Zealots continued to fight for freedom from the Romans.

The group of Zealots that rebelled against the Romans and fled to Masada lived approximately in A.D. 66. Just like the Macabees, they used hit and run tactics against the Romans. They were able to hold out the Romans for about seven months but the Romans, being so powerful, fought back.