" Silence makes the real conversation between friends.  Not the saying, but the never needing to say is what counts." - Margaret Lee Runbeck

Fun facts to know and tell
about the fun loving girls
of the Fern.

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everything there is to know
about the Ferns. Why not take
our quiz and find out.

Learn the whole deal about
College. The Good, the bad
and the stuff you' re going
to need advice on.

Up-to-date-info on the
comings and goings of
the Ferns.

A collection of quotes representing the trials of being a Fern .

Take a look at the history
of the Ferns.

Green New I  History  I Campus Life I Meet the Ferns I Jock Fern I    Doodle Fern I Limbo Fern I Turkey Fern Young  Fern 
Wieser Fern I Quiz  I Photo Gallery I Gallery 1 I   Gallery 2 I
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Quotes I Fate I   Friendship  I  Love  I  Strength  I Life  I Self Discovery I   Happiness  I  Movie, Music, & TV  I  Sites  I  Phi Sigma Pi

" A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

updated last on 22 August 2000