The City of Lost Socks
The Strange Adventures of a Somewhat Normal Child as Related
to an Unfortunately Normal Adult Who of Course Didn’t Believe Him
- Thomas Xavier Edison McLocks,
- Pondered upon the mystery of socks.
- He pondered on socks that refused to be matched,
- Despite all the clever plans that he hatched.
- Everyone knows that socks come in twos,
- And everyone has two feet and two shoes.
- But how can this match be so quickly undone?
- Where once there where two, he could only find one!
- Thomas Xavier Edison McLocks,
- Pondered upon the mystery of socks.
- He thought and he thought until he felt that his brain
- Would nearly explode from the fantastic strain.
- Then in a brilliant flash, he had the solution,
- There could only be one logical conclusion.
- He knew the culprit was the monstrous and green
- Spin Master One Thousand Washing Machine!
- That meant one thing and he knew what it meant,
- To get his socks back he had to go where they went.
- Thomas had to go where his socks were last seen,
- The Spin Master One Thousand Washing Machine.
- It was a mindless sock-eating mechanical horror,
- It stayed in his basement and lurked in the corner.
- The thought of it made one’s mind go slack,
- But Thomas had to get his lost socks back!
- He screwed up his courage, he didn’t think twice.
- He marched right up to the fearsome device,
- And when he threw open the Spin Master’s door,
- Thomas noticed something he hadn’t noticed before.
- There was a tiny little door there in the back,
- Doors always go somewhere, that was a fact.
- So Thomas gave it a pull and he gave it a push,
- And it sucked him right in with a frightening whoosh!
- The very thought of it all boggled his brain,
- Thomas McLocks had gone down the drain!
- Then with a sudden pop the ride was through,
- And Thomas was met with a wondrous view.
- There, down below him, lay a strange sight.
- A city of socks, that couldn’t be right!
- So Thomas just stared as he started to fall,
- He knew what he saw, but couldn’t believe it at all!
- Then with a plop his fall came to a stop.
- For into a pile of lint he did flop.
- Thomas Xavier Edison McLocks
- Had discovered the City of Lost Socks!
- What a sad looking city was the City of Socks,
- The buildings were dirty, there was trash on the walks.
- The socks that were there, they were sad looking, too.
- They never did smile or say, “How do you do?”
- And everywhere there were signs that said “Keep Out!”
- “Only Left Socks In Here, No Right Socks Allowed!”
- Or “Right Socks Only, Left Socks Go Away!”
- Or “No Right Socks, Only Left Socks Can Stay!”
- “I don’t understand,” said Thomas, “What’s this about?
- Why do all these signs say, ‘Go Away,’ and ‘Keep Out?’”
- A blue sock said, “Why, it’s very plain to see.
- Left socks are too inferior for the likes of me.”
- “No, no!” shouted another, stepping into the light.
- “The right socks are wrong and the left socks are right!
- The signs are all there to keep right socks away!
- Put them in there place and make sure they stay!”
- Suddenly Thomas found himself surrounded by socks,
- Red, yellow, blue, stripes, checks and dots.
- He looked very hard, but try as he might,
- Thomas could not tell the left socks from right!
- But the socks seemed to know, for they had started a fight.
- They stood right on the left and left on the right!
- “Quiet!” shouted Thomas, “You’ve only confused me so far!
- How in the world do you know which sock you are?”
- The socks went silent while Thomas scratched his head.
- Then a red striped sock spoke up and he said,
- “To be quite honest, it isn’t that easy to tell,
- That’s why we have Labelers to label us well.”
- “Labelers?” asked Thomas, even more confused.
- “We can’t tell the difference, so smarter socks are used.”
- Explained the striped sock, “They’ve studied the learning.”
- All this started Thomas McLocks’ head turning.
- “Who are these Labelers?” asked Thomas McLocks.
- “I would like to meet these unusual socks.”
- The striped sock led him down a long street,
- To a fancy big building where Labelers meet.
- Two army socks stood guard outside the gate.
- “We’re sorry, sir. But you’ll have to wait!
- You must stand in line like all the rest.
- Before the Labelers can give you your test.”
- So there stood Thomas at the end of the line,
- With a hundred or so socks who got along fine.
- There in front of him was a perfectly matched pair,
- Laughing and talking as if they hadn’t a care.
- “Excuse me,” said he, “but you seem to be best friends.
- What happens when you’re labeled and this comes to an end?”
- “But we’re brothers!” they replied, laughing with delight,
- “So when we are labeled we’ll be both left or both right!”
- “That’s not how it works, you’re a perfectly matched pair!
- Wherever a left sock is found a right sock should be there.”
- The two socks looked sad, they had not thought of this,
- That being labeled would mean the end of their bliss.
- “What can we do?” they both cried in despair,
- “We do so love being a perfectly matched pair!
- Now you tell us se can never be the same!
- We were both so happy. Oh, what a shame!”
- Said Thomas, “Being labeled is the cause of your pain,
- So why be labeled? You have nothing to gain.”
- Thomas’ words gave the two quite a shock,
- Not being labeled had never occurred to the socks.
- “If we’re never labeled, then we can still be friends!”
- Cried the socks, “Our friendship would never end!”
- Away went the matched pair, still friends and brothers,
- They simply refused to be labeled like all the others.
- The other socks in line heard what took place,
- And they too soon left without a single trace.
- Soon Thomas Xavier Edison McLocks
- Was the only one left, there were no more socks!
- Behind large desks with papers and forms,
- Sat the Labelers who decided the norms.
- They all looked at Thomas with big blank stares,
- He wasn’t even a sock! What was he doing there?
- “You are the reason my socks won’t be matched!
- What is this sinister plot that you’ve hatched?”
- Cried Thomas, “Socks can’t get along with each other!
- So they all refuse to be paired one with another!”
- “Socks don’t have sides! There’s no left or right!
- You’ve lied to these socks! You made them fight!
- There’s no such thing! You don’t have a clue!
- If you are so smart, tell me, which are you?”
- The Labelers couldn’t answer, they were so stunned.
- If they said they were right, by the left they’d be shunned.
- They couldn’t be left and still be accepted by right,
- No matter what they said, there’d still be a fight!
- There came a low murmur from the gathering crowd.
- They were getting quite angry and getting quite loud.
- The Labelers were nervous, it was looking bad,
- Now the sock knew they had been had!
- Then the socks chased the Labelers out of town,
- And they tore all the “Keep Out” signs down.
- There were no socks that were left or right,
- Socks were just socks, it was a beautiful sight!
- Now Thomas McLocks has socks that match
- And one red striped sock that likes to play catch.
- And here’s the lesson you should understand,
- Never listen to Labelers and wash your socks by hand!
Blood lives in
rual NC with his wife and three kids. He is currently attending college
for a Computer Science degree and dearly misses Dr. Suess.