I feel so helpless
Somebody please help me!
O.K. by now you relize i am having a hard time dealing with the
lose of my favorite sock, but I am hoping that with your help I can find
Here are the facts:
1. I have lost my sock (hopefully you have figured this out)
2. I miss my sock
3. My sock really needed to be washed at the time of its disaperence
4. There was a small hole in the toe of the sock (ok it was a large
hole), (ok there were no toes in the sock)
5. The sock was last seen being fought over by two jealous women
6. My socks name is eddie
7. My sock will not come if you call it by name
8. I have not ruled out a u.f.o. abduction
9. Where oh where has my little sock gone, oh where oh where could
it be?
10. I need my sock to help me keep the fradgile grasp that i have
on reality.
So if you would like to help me in my struggle to save this poor defensless
sock, please get into contact with me!
Only you can prevent lost socks!
Please help me, Join the fight to make this world a place without
matchless socks!
one is allowed to write on the walls, so graffetti is welcome, .
you have reason to believe you know where my sock is please contact me.