![]() Hong Kong - Asia's most active missing sock sleuth makes his 500th consecutive match in that Asian city's Bureau of Missing Socks' Office. Marvin says his life long devotion to solving the problem of missing foot wear has been made easy by the Chinese who value their socks dearly and are more careful when both washing an storing them. The Bureau's influence has been extended to mainland China where his son Mitchell, who learned all there is to know about the business from his dad, will represent out organization in Beijing. ![]() |
Police in Newton, Mass are searching for a man about 5-foot-9, in his 20s, who allegedly proposition a teen-aged male as he was leaving a Marshall's department store. According to the teen, the man offered $20 to let him smell the teen's socks.
SOCK MATCH LEADS TO CALIFORNIA HITCHING Jonathan Colby of Tuluca Lake, California, got more than foot warmer for Xmas when he listed a white, ribbed, sports sock purchased at the Broadway Department Store in our missing socks data base. A near perfect match was made with a single owned by Gloria Reynolds of West Hollywood. They decided to compare socks in person and it was love at first sight. Married on December 23rd in LA the couple say that they owe it all to the Bureau. (Note: Gloria found Jonathan's missing mate when she cleaned his apartment for the first time. He never looked in the bookcase.) |
Rare Medical Condition. Sock Eating Syndrome
Source: Medical Tribune News Service SEATTLE - A 22-year-old woman was diagnosed with a rare medical condition, in which she craved consumption of socks. She was earthbound half a sock each evening. She also told doctors that as a teen-ager she chewed on and swallowed clothing. She was hospitalized after suffering from nausea and vomiting. The doctors found a large bezoar in her stomach. She was diagnosed with a rare condition known as pica, in which a person craves nonfood items. Previous to this incident, doctors have reported cases of people eating dirt, hair, chalk, clay, glue and other nonfood items. This is the first case of sock eating "Often, when people have a craving it is because they are lacking something in their diet," said Atif Awad, an associate professor of nutrition at the University of Buffalo. "If you don't give salt to cows, they start licking the walls," he added.. |
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JOHN E SAYE <JSAYE@prodigy.net>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 01:58:18 -0500
I'm John Saye, and I have a sock fiction submission for you. I'm an independent film producer in Atlanta, and I've recently finished a video project on the side with some friends in my spare time. I thought you might get a kick out of it. Right now it is available for viewing on the internet at http://pages.prodigy.net/jsaye/theatre. It is the first entry on the page, titled "Odd Socks: A Mystery," and it revolves around my theory of what happens to socks lost in the dryer. The file is Real Video, so you'll need the appropriate viewer to view it.
Jackie jackieb@staff.ehs.wcape.school.za
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 17:02:06 +0000
This comes from an English teacher concerned with the incorrect use
of the apostrophe in Sock Collectors' Corner. (http://www.jagat.com/joel/hist.html.)
"The Missing Socks Bureau is constantly expanding its collection
of.." An apostrophe is only used in "its" if it indicates a contraction.
IE. It's raining today.(It is raining today.) When "its" is used as
a possessive adjective an apostrophe is not required because the
case is already possessive and an apostrophe is not required
do this. " ...because its sister is at the Tate Gallery in London."
adjective. With an apostrophe the sentence would read "..because it
is sister." "...in the girls' dressing room." Apostrophe needs to indicate
plural possession so it must be placed after the "s". Granted you haven't
made the error in every instance but enough times to have made this an
interesting article for use in a language
This letter is written because I also struggled for many years to understand
the use of the apostrophe. Sometimes it was as puzzling as the mystery
of missing socks.
Are you aware that in South Africa we have things called "sokkie jols". The USA equivalent of a "prom". Directly translated it would mean "sock party / rave". These may be a good starting point for retrieving lost or missing socks.
To wear no shoes or socks is known as wearing "Margate Socks". Margate is a popular holiday resort hence the origin. To wear shoes but no socks is called going "tubeless".
It's comforting to know that there are others concerned with the
mystery of lost socks.
wcpanther@webtv.net (shirley
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 20:39:21 -0600
This is not exactly a story, but is amusing anyway (somewhat).
One day I was looking for a sock I was missing.
I ad the other one, of course, but I COULD NOT FIND THAT SOCK! Finally
I stopped to have lunch, looked in the fridge, and there was the sock.
How it got there to this day I do not know. Maybe whoever steals
the socks saw me
coming and threw it in there, (Or maybe it was someone who was
at my house who wanted to play a joke.)
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 1998 23:56:44 EST
i think you should have something about argyle socks... or something
about lucky orange socks.... you should read some stories about lucky orange
socks here Baby
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 03:21:16 -0500
A. MCDONALD <OZDRY2@MAGICK.NET> (by way of Ashish
Kumar I visited your sock page and I was wondering if you could tell us
where we might be able to find clipartor animations of sock puppets.
It's for a non profit organization and we could really use the help.
Marie Cassels ree66@webtv.net (marie cassels)
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 21:37:36 -0600
Did the washer swallow my laundry of socks? Or could it be that my
8 month old ate them? Every time I wash clothes I always have a darn sock
missing. I take them and put them in a box marked "MISSING SOCKS". So the
next time I do laundry I can get a match. Nope! I end up with more
missing socks to add to the box. Then I have to get a bigger box to
put more of those darn missing socks. Pretty soon I'll have a box bigger
than my house. Maybe I should put beepers on all of my families socks.
No. Then I'd hear too much beeping from all the socks that are missing
here. If anyone out there has a missing sock then come to my house- I bet
I have a match for you. Descriptions of our missing socks: long tube sock
(white) last seen on husband, small sky blue sock ( for baby) last
seen in his hands chewing on it, young girls sock ( black with red bow)
last seen on floor in bathroom,young girls sock (pink) last seen in car,
womans bootie sock (white with gray on bottom) last seen on me. Socks.
Socks. Socks. I go to bed counting socks instead of sheep. Well, since
all the socks disappear when I buy them and bring them home then that must
mean I have a ghost in my house that's taking them. A sock spirit. I'l
just not buy anymore so they won't vanish into thin air anymore. The family
will have to be completely sockless. Better than wearing mixmatched
socks. Well, I'll be. I don't have a ghost . It was the dog. That darn
dog took those darn socks. The case has been solved. My socks are
pairs again. The dog will get his on pairs of socks. Leave ours
dansch@webtv.net (Dan Schwartz)
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 10:12:00 -0500
(as explained by Phonius Grant, Mad Professor in Junior Jackalope Comix
Issue No. 1, by R.L. Crabb, 1982.) "--It's very simple,really!...
Have you ever gone to the laundromat, washed and
dryed your clothes,& mysteriously come up one sock short?!!
It happens every day... Thru the process of elimination, I dicoverered
that they always dissapear in the dryer! Two factors seem to be responsible
for this phenomenon.
1: The unique chemical properties of a dirty sock...2: The tumbling
action of the dryer! This creates a one-in-a-million reaction..which
sends the sock into an ALIEN DIMENSION!!!" (Who would contend the plausability
of such a rational, fully-rendered explanation?)
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:16:57 -0500
Kelda Storkson<lib_user@mnu.edu>
I am doing a paper and would like to know if The Bureau of Missing
Socks is indeed funded entirely by my tax dollars. Please resond
to:klstorks@mnu.edu immediately
as my progress on this paper rests with your answer.
Mitch <Samcary@aol.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 19:49:43 EST
if you know so much about socks who makes ths Action Sock?
and how can I contact them
Seren d-Eli Justsomeguy@webtv.net
(me me)
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 08:35:04 -0800
4 years ago i thought i had lost a very valuable sock, the lone sock
i had left seem to begin to fade imediatly at the disaperence of its "betterhalf"
i took many long afternoons comforting this sock and
honestly it became my favorite, i had developed a special bond with
it after years passed and i gave up all hope of ever reuniting it with
its lost mate, i found myself becoming glad that i would have it for myself
and never have to share it with its partner again, then last week he was
found, i never had seen my beloved sock so happy at this reunion, i was
jealous, but i told myself i was not going to allow my misery get in the
way of that beatiful socks happines, then last night i came home after
drinking heavilly and i found my sock in the sock drawer wrapping its
delicate self around "the other one" i went insane and i pulled them from
each other tossing my presious onto the bed, i bundled up all the socks
from the drawer it mattered not if they had partners, pateren or
if they were even athletic socks, i stuffed them all into a bag and sent
them to your money making pyramid,
I HAVE SINNED please help me repent of my evils help me
make it all right again help me find the mate to my sock
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 10:17:12 +0200 (IST)
Amiel Schatz <aschatz@bgumail.bgu.ac.il>
Dear Bureau, my congratulations on your long needed and innovative
My I add a small contribution, a poem I wrote some time ago?
in pairs, identical twins, they do not
love togetherness. They long, it seems,
for separation. Nor do they enjoy
inescapable intimacy with odoriferous
appendages, sandwiched twixt skin
and pounding leather. They yearn to
sojourn, solitary in dark repose,
bundled in sardonic society
with others of their mutinous ilk,
sniggering silently at the futile
strategems of baffled humankind.
Do what we may, they shall emerge
alone, enigmatic, and mordantly
matchless from their co-conspirator
and cohortthe washing machine.
Sic transit hosia mundi.
Date: Mon, 16 JAN 1996 12:59:02 +0000
Jill or Steve <stephenbalchin@easynet.co.uk>
I must say, your pages are doing a great service to the world by cataloguing
an oft-forgotten mystery of our times. I myself believe I may have
found a lead that may explain some of the bizarre
evolutionary urges of socks, and even account for a few unsolved disappearances.
I recommend that those intrigued should drop by my website, at
for further enlightenment...
Melissa Hickok shickok@pop.mindspring.com
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 16:22:34 -0600
I saw your website and it touched me so deeply that I thought I'd submit
a story. I wrote this last year because I was bored, but I think
you'll enjoy it. It's entitled THEY HAVE BEEN FOUND. It almost
won a prize. Have you ever wondered taht question taht so many people wonder?
Shere does that sock go when you do the laundery? Well, I have.
This story is to tell people like you and me where they go when they go
in the dryer. Oh, and by the way. I don't know if you are the
who made that snap for the sock that I saw advertised on your web page,
if you are, I saw you on Jenny.
Brian Graham <brians.brain@dlcwest.com>
Clever website. Very VEry funny!!!! Send tickets.
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 19:44:50 EST
DeIntegro7 <DeIntegro7@aol.com>
well, it may be the stupidest thing i've ever done. come to think
of it,
maybe not. she was at her house watching t.v. without any shoes
on and she
had the most awe-inspiring socks i'd ever seen on. i don't remember
what the socks looked like, but i do remember the girl had a great
maybe it wasn't the socks after all. the rationalization process
is funny
like that.
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 17:43:19 -0600
Daniel Burt nurse1rn@webtv.net
It was a beutiful pair of matching blue socks. They were energized
with blue fire.Blue fire was a product that made garmets shine. These
two socks were the talk of the town. People would never come to my house
without a strong pair of sun glasses. Then one day I was out in the
woods and there was a pond. ; I took off my socks and went swimming.
When I got out of the pond one of my sock was gone. It was getting
dark. I knew the bargo's, Troll men that lived in the woods and stole only
one sock from an unsuspecting victim, had taken my sock. I ran home
and grabbed the first spot light I could find. I ran out into
the woods; it was now totally dark. I climbed the biggest tree I could
find and hoisted the spot light up with the handy winch and chain I had
brought. I then hauled up the nine 12 volt batteries I brought. When
I turned on the light it bathed the woods with a briliant white light.
In the distance I saw a shining blue reflection., like a blue diamond,
in the distance Later that night I called the anti- bargos police
and I got my matching sock back.
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 18:25:48 -0500
rt <rtinat@mindspring.com>
Buy 10 pair black socks, 10 pair dark blue socks, 10 pair white sweatsocks.
Avoid all other colors. Buy same brand.
FINAL FINAL@gfss.boundaryschools.com
Date: 13 Jan 1998 12:05:01 EDT
i am missing a blue and teal sock. i think the sock i still have is
lonly and needs a friend. please send help fast sock-o-ramma.
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 22:57:31 -0800
Stephen W Gunther <oriole@ecom.net>
Found your suite while looking for something else...Very enjoyable...
very funny...temporarily linked it to my home page...http://woods.bianca.com/mthreads/evensteven/posts/98/01/08/25915.html
Keep up the good work and if I ever get a hotbreaking sock story ...I
where to go...
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 16:47:23 -0700
AnnJohnson <annjohn@csn.net>
I've been looking everywhere for purple cotton socks, MENS' purple
cotton socks; would you know where on earth I could find some?
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 22:01:45 -0800
Keith E. Sullivan <KSullivan@worldnet.att.net>
Here's a URL you need to look at. It's a parody about -- you
guessed it -- missing socks, complete with music to sing a long with. http://www.erols.com/mtsmith1/socks.html
Hope you enjoy.
ImJade39 <ImJade39@aol.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 14:51:36 EST
i think you should have somthing in punky brusters socks.
Vicky Payne <Vickie2482@aol.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 09:27:52 EST
as the daily wash load was being entered into the dark hole of the
washing machine, all the socks cowered with fear, knowing that they too
would soon have themselves twisted and turned upside down, bumping into
the sweaty sock next to you, or even worse, rolling into a pair of trousers,
where all 'disturbed' socks claimed they had been, and had 'experiences'
that they did not wish to describe. if they did proceed to describe, they
were most likely shipped of to a place called IMCS, the Institute for Mental
and Confused Socks. These socks would also drag their partner sock with
them to this place, so no sock would be left alone. However, some socks
maintained a small glimmer of hope, that one day, they to would float beneath
the bright shining light, the light that carried them to the sky and into
a small metal object. Yes, thats right, socks believed, not
in God and Heaven, but in aliens. They hoped that one day, they
would play their part in the Government/Alien conspiracy, a world plot
to destroy all pairs of socks, and make odd socks the way to live.
DiscoDuck0 <DiscoDuck0@aol.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 23:19:11 EST
its a conspiracy man. the socks dissapear in the wash.
it always happens in the time the socks go to the hamper untill they come
back in the basket, never before and never after. i think its either
the washer or dryer or both. maytag steals the socks while they are being
washed. its true. and if they don't sucessfully grab one, then
they go through the holes in the dryer bin thing. its a conspiracy
just to make you buy more socks and then you dryer or washer breaks down
because of sock buildup and again you have to buy another.
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 23:19:11 EST
Vickie <lazerlin@mts-inc.com>
I enjoyed your web site
I'm doing a project for school on socks and would be interested in adding information from your missing sock survey. Have you had many responses? When/ if ever will you have the results?
Thanks for your time
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 20:26:30 EST
My family has always had a basket for found socks...
I would like to report the oldest of the still-unmated few
Pink little-girl's fold-over ankle sock
with lace ruffle
Blue mid-shin scrunchie sock, children's
Green mid-shin scrunchie sock... just
enough bigger than the blue to make them un-pairable
53 white ankle socks, various designs,
styles and sizes... Don't we wish we could pair these!
Chandra Gattinger <juicebox13@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 09:18:41 PST
One day in October, it was just before halloween. My friends and I
were watching a movie, and my mom was doing laundry. She heard the washer
stop, so she went downstairs, to put them in the dryer. she saw only one
of my socks!!! I was so depressed for weeks, and when she did laundry
again, she washed my single sock, and like a magnetic attraction, the missing
sock came back! this is a sock story with a happy ending. -Chandra Gattinger
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 97 15:30:43 UT
D Lerner <FarmerOnTheDell@classic.msn.com>
While hiking the Appalachian Trail in the early 70's, I hooked up with
a college chemistry major who was doing a summer internship at a major
chemical manufacturer. He talked about a project at the company run
by his mentor - synchronous degrading polymers. This kid's job was
to 'spice' up the plastics blend with enzymes that could disolve polyethylenes
in a predictably delayed reaction. Although excited about the theoretical
possibilities of the project, the young man admitted he was very concerned
about the ethical implications of the technology he was fostering.
I wouldn't have remembered this episode if it wasn't for another trip
into the back-country years later when 2 mates of the only two pair of
socks I had packed 'disappeared'. While nursing the effects of the
semi-socked escape from the woods, I remembered this college kid's project
and became suspicous about the technology of hosiery manufacturing.
I did a little experiment of my own. My wife, an artist in acrylics
and oil, constructed 5 stretched canvases. We purchased 15 pairs
of socks from 10 manufacturers and glued them to the canvases. The socked
canvases were framed, sealed with glass panels, and hung on our living
room. We took observations of the mounted hose once a day, in the
morning light.
The first spontaneous disappearance occured 12 weeks after initiating
the project. Panel 3a which held 4 pairs of brown and navy 'green
toes' transitioned from 8 to 7 distinct stockings. In the last 16
months, we have observed that 6 of the 15 pairs are now singletons.
Applying a chi-square analysis, there is a 95% probability that these socks
in fact spontaneously
Given the incontrovertable findings, I had my sister, a corporate attorney,
research the manufacturers of those six pairs of hosiery that demonstrated
the disolution syndrome. Surprise, suprise - all six of these mills are
wholly owned by the same megalopolistic chemical manufacturer that college
kid worked for.
Joseph Campbell's 'Man, Myth, and Walking Shoes' may explain the historical
reports via a Jungian hysteria, but the current rash of sock loss sitings
undoubtedly a product of some warped MBA's vision of short-term profits
at the
expense of society. My notebooks have been forwared to a congressman
on the
House Sub-Commitee for UnAmerican Consumer Affairs. Look for
legislation and
additional federal regulatory actions in the next session of Congress.
D. Leathers
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 17:36:50 -0500
CRYSTAL STEMANN <sriphi2@venus.net>
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 1997 08:51:43 -0500
Roger S. Staum <staums@icu.com>
If Socks Get Too Dirty, One Runs Away
Bobcoplen <Bobcoplen@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 1997 22:33:18 EST
Why oh why, do driers suck inocent garments ( especially socks ) down into their retched tubes into who knows where? I mean what on earth have these innosent creatures done to these violent hunks of metal? When will it all end? When shall socks be free to live their lives as equals to these machines? WHEN WILL IT ALL END?
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 19:15:25 -0800
Alan Boyden <alvan@sk.sympatico.ca>
Katie Annie Ellie's Machine <acatalano@mho.net>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 19:17:38 -0700
Household uses for socks
I personally use my socks to dry dishes. It adds a special flavour
to all
my food :)
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 05:42:22 -0500 (EST)
IMP1142 IMP1142@aol.com
My computer said I had an internal problem; I think perhaps it was
"others". These are the same "others" who keep taking my odd socks
and spoons, and I
might add have been doing so for the past 34 years. I have had missing
from newborn baby size to adult male size. I do not think it is fair
that the "others" are allowed to abscond with personal property from my
house hold and do think that investigative measures should be taken to
ascertain just exactly where these "others" come from. I firmly
believe they are aligned with either the
CIA or an extraterrestial community, who else would have the audacity
to enter someones domicile and abscond with personal belongings.
I must add that several other items have disappeared also up to and including certain types of adult female underwear, many many childrens items and an assortment of household items. All these items I am sure have been procured by the "others".
I am so thankful that finally there is someone who has formed a group
to find and
identify the "others" and I look forward to apprehension of the culprits
and the return of all my stolen property. I applaud your efforts.
Rice Waters <Rice.Waters@sirus.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 11:20:39 -0500
Dear Chairperson of the Bureau of the Missing Socks,
Anthony Kiedis of The Red Hot Chile Peppers has cleverly invented
a use for a single sock. He is shown on the cover of one of their
albums wearing it on a singular appendage, rather than upon pair
of appendages (feet, hands, ears, etc.). If I remember correctly,
it is the only piece of clothing that he seemed to be wearing. Would
you happen to know if that type of attire would be legal in the state of
Michigan? I would assume that my wife would not be able to dress
in this manner, but if I could, I certainly would be able to get away with
doing much less laundry. Just a thought,
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 1997 14:17:52 -0500 (EST)
CHiC ItsCHiC@aol.com
Sockom and Gomorrah
It may have occured back in Biblical days. It may have occured
more recently. But this tale of lust, love, and inter-fabrical mating
of socks is a long time-honored legend that, in itself, has a moral.
Though the story may be well known, the moral is not. Choose for
yourself. We begin the tale in a dank, dirty strip club, with a polyester
sock with low self-esteem.
I was sitting at a little table, drinking my beer, and basically slurping
my problems away. My eyes wandered from person to person. All
I could think of was the beautiful, blue silk sock of a secretary I had.
What would I mate think if I told her I was having an affair with another
Not only that, but I was merely a polyester sock. Inter-fabrical
mating was quite scandalous these days. That sexy little sock was
in no part my type by any means. I stood up and paid for my
drink. Why shouldn't I want that sock?
The singing and shuffling of the sock that was currently stripping was pounding into my head. Even that sock must have been made of cotton. Even she was upper class. In the back of my mind I knew it was time for me to go home, to my mate and little socklings.
It was a cold night out as I walked the streets. For once my polyester
came in handy to beat the cold. I must have passed thousand of same-sex
socks holding hands in their little whirl of lust. Stripclubs and
dirty mothball-dealers lined the four blocks from the bar to my drawer.
I was aided
with empty thoughts and remaining traces of my childhood, and how I
used to dream about being a corporate manager of an armoir. But here
I was, a shell of a sock, and only an under-paid director of polishing.
I entered my home to find my wife, Soliock, and my twin socklings Moeshock and Barnasock quickly packing their things under the watch of two strangers. "Who the heck are these guys?" I demanded of Soliock. She smiled at me. "Sock," she began, "We are being saved! Pack up your belongings quickly, these two men are here to escort us by the means of the Lord Sock!"
Well, I didn't really want to stay anyway. Maybe I needed a vacation from my work, and my little silk sock. Caught up in the rush, I grabbed my things and headed for the door.
"Don't look behind you as we run away," warned one of the strange socks. "Never look back again!"
As we headed for the town gates, I saw that the sky was already dark, and I could hear buzzing. As soon as we left the gates, we took to our heels and ran.
My wife turned around to see the destruction, as millions of moths descended upon our city and ate every sock alive. She, too, for disobeying the strange sock was eaten up.
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 16:00:03 -0500 (EST)
One question... we're not doubting you, do not think that, Master,
please. But is this "Woodsock-97" in fact real? I'm sure it is, don't get
me wrong. But might I ask where is it being held? I am most greatful for
your reply, Master.
~Walks with Socks on Hands
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 22:33:32 -0500 (EST)
From: Tefteller5@aol.com
I am looking for a local chapter of the "Socks Without Partners" support
group. Please contact me with information.
VICTORIA HASKELL <140918.96@swansea.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 18:11:18 0000
I've just discovered your very funny internet page. All I can
say is "At last. Someone is tackling a very serious problem which
effects millions of people worldwide." I myself an a sufferer and
its a huge comfort to know that I'm not Alone. i will definitely
be keeping a close eye on the bulletin board incase any of my missing socks
turn up.
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 1997 14:31:25 -0800
Faye Isaac <isaac@bc.sympatico.ca>
I believe that Dominique the Dryer monster is responsible for the Great
Sock Disappearance. His hunger is satisfied by the thousands of socks
put in the dryer every year. But Dominique has to eat too, right?
I know how to put a temporary stop to him! Listen carefully...(It's simple
really.) Next time, when you put your load of socks in the dryer, including
your favorite pair, all you have to do is throw in 2 dryer sheets in with
them. The refreshing smell of the dryer sheets repel Dominique back
into his cave, for awhile, because they are the enemy. If you put
two dryer sheets inside each of your favorite socks, or the ones you can't
risk losing, you will fool Dominique into thinking that the
dryer sheets are socks bunched together. He will gobble down
both of them (without chewing because he has no teeth) and get temporary
food poisoning. He will then start feeling very nauseous and start throwing
up continuously, until all of the socks he choked down are laying on the
floor in front of him in one piece.(This explains why some socks come out
of the dryer looking dirtier than before they went in) This will create
a diversion, just enough time for all the socks to creep by ominique and
escape outside via the air vent. Try this at home and expect perfect
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 13:56:40 -0500 (EST)
FERTMOMY@aol.com FERTMOMY@aol.com
i love the web site, would love to see Ferrets added to this
as possible culprits.. they are widely known as Sock Thieves!
they love to steal & hide single socks.... i have socks that they have
hidden that i couldn't find till i rearranged my bdrm.. that is when i
found one of there little stash piles..
(thought i knew them all till i found that one!) anyway,
should you add ferrets to this site.. let me know... i will pass
the word on to other ferret folks who would Love to see this site
if they new ferrets were included! and Believe me there are ALOT
of us out here!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 16:15:24 -0500 (EST)
patti swaim FlamnPie@aol.com
I think u have the most unsual web page..my hubby is a 3 rd yr Podiatry
student (seriously) so he will just totally love this...socks r very important
to feet so he has a great love for them..I'll show ur page to him when
he gets home from school today..please put us on ur mailing list....will
share any socks jokes that he gets.. Live long and prosper...
T.J. Schnieder <night_81@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 08:25:59 PST
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 18:42:46 -0500 (EST)
LAUREN1582 LAUREN1582@aol.com
i read about your sock web site in seventeens November addition. It
was defenitley worth the visit! keep up the great work.
Liz Chang <taykiero@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 13:07:40 PST
ok well i have a couple of things, really. first, i passed that
test and it said i could get a Forensic Pediologist's Diploma and Bureau
Special Agent's I.D. card but is that fake? cuz it seems really weird
but i think itd be really cool to have that stuff and i would send away
for it if it were real. secondly, if you ever happen to need people
for a movie or something, i would love to do something weird like that.
k? well hope to hear from you sometime! thanx a lot!
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 1997 16:40:38 -0800
Hernando Heilbron <hheibron@metrotel.net.co>
It was a lazy and boring Sunday afternoon. I was hanging out with my
sister, talking, laughing, whatever. Suddenly she gasped."My sock! I lost
it while i was sleeping and here it is!" she said as she pulled it from
between the sheets of her bed. Then she threw it to the floor. "How about
putting it in the hamper?" I told her as i picked it up from the floor
and gave it to her. "No way!" she said. "The hamper is to far away and
i don't feel like going all the way over there just to put a stupid
sock in the hamper.Why don't you put it in for me?" "No.It's your sock,
your responsability" I answered as i left the room.I was in the bathroom,
minding my own business when suddenly i heard a
scream. "Stephanie!Get in here quick, you'll never believe what just
happened." I raced into the room. There i found my sister with a
shocked look on her face.
"What happened?!?"I demanded.
"The sock fell out the window!" she answered.
"WHAT?!?!" I stammered."But that's impossible.How?WHY?"
"Well, i was going to throw the sock to your bed so you'd take it to
the hamper and it sorta accidently went out the window" she replied sheepishly.I
raced to the window and looked out, but it was gone. (At this point i will
stop to explain that i live on the 9th floor of a building. There is a
bank next door and there is a patio on the 2nd floor.)
We imediatly reported this to the authority (a.k.a mom)and she said
she'd call the lady from the 2nd floor and ask her to look for it. Two
days later we were lucky enough to find it.
I'm sending this out as a warning: put your dirty socks in the hamper
a.s.a.p. or you may never see them again.I was one of the few fortunate
Sara Johnson <ghoststar@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 1997 13:22:22 PST
I thought I'd send you some mail to tell you that I've linked to your
page from my own. If you want to check it out, my page is at http://www.escape.ca/~awrayj/
(look under misc. links for your site)
LAURA LAS1096@webtv.net
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 19:50:07 -0800
You won't believe this but I have a Basset Hound who is a sockaholic.
She can fit 3 folded pairs of socks in her mouth and still look innocent.
You should consider her as an official sock K-9 enforcer. She might just
be the answer to finding all (or at least a lot of) the missing socks in
the world. Socks are the only thing this dog is capable of finding.
You have to see her to believe your eyes!
Laura (owner of Babs, World Chamion Sock Tracker)
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 1997 13:31:44 -0500
TK Lohman <tklohman@sasolutions.com>
I love your Missing Socks page. I've put a link on my non-commercial
web page, but would like to get permission to use your photo of the
"bureau" that I've copied onto my page. http://www.tattered.com/strange.html
Christian J Bevan <budman61@gate.net>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 14:42:15 -0500
Should socks get thrown out. I don't believe that they should you should
love them, well I know that you do. Please leave your reply.
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 15:53:24 -0800
Liesbeth van Leeuwen <leeuw77@worldaccess.nl>
I had this great theory, so I will print it hereunder. It says it's
too long for the field. It's a conspiracy of the socks themselves.
They want to get out in the world on their own, without having to be
worn on a foot. However, one of the socks stays 'at home', to
see if it works. Of course they have sockological contact all the
time. So the sock you still have will inform the 'missing' sock about your
feelings. and the sock at home knows all about what's happening in
the world, and will inform the other socks in your drawer. So it may help
to throw away (perhaps destroy) the sock left behind,
because it will bring the other pairs on ideas. Socks want to rule
the world!
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 20:25:42 -0400
R.L. Mott <rlmott1@gate.net>
Subject: SOCKAID '98
Reuben Schwartzman <reuben@montrealnet.ca>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 19:32:39 -0400
I think that socks are secretly abducted by the PQ (Partie Quebecois)They
are so mad about Quebec not separating from Canada that they stole all
of our socks, what do you think?
Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 09:33:01 -0700
Robert Heid <rheid@netnitco.net>
Bill woke one morning to get ready for work he showered and reached
for his pair of favorite socks they were missing. His favorite pair of
pink socks were gone he searched the whole house and even called off work
because he lost his socks. Like so many others this ruined his whole
life he lost his job and family, he bacame obsessed with the missing socks.
One day when he was sleeping he heard a rustling outside his window he
hurried out and there they were a pair of pink socks, his pink
socks he was overjoyed with the sight. He was so happy that he
bought them a new dresser all for their own.
Webnet WebRatings <ratings@webratings.net>
Congratulations! Your site has been reviewed by Webnet WebRatings!
To see how your site scored, please use your browser to go to
http://www.webratings.net/. Once connected to the WebRatings site,
perform a search to find your site.
We are also searching for dogs to be trained as qualified
sock hounds. If you think you have a pet with this unique,singular talent
the Bureau will certify him. Sign up now!.
The Bureau Goes Commercial |
Fri, 02 May 1997
Contact:Zac Konkol" zpiper@hotmail.com I would like to report that while driving the other day, I happened across a box with several misplaced socks in them. Their desrciption is as follows 1) Olive dress sock, medium, solid colored, ankle high 2) White sport sock with nike symbol, knee high, large Hope this will be of some use to you with missing socks. 5/23/96 jeffery@mbox300.swipnet.se--I have just retrieved
a sock from the back of the car. It¹s been in there since our holiday
to France in 1994. It first hid under the front seat but later took up
residence somewhere near the spare wheel. But now it has returned. Only
one problem remains - where is the other one?
Send all socks found announcements to: socks@Jagat.com |
3/09/97 Los Angeles -- The Mervin Blakes of North Hollywood,California
found a sock missing since 1976. Their house recentlyburned to the ground
destroying everything ... When they were digging through the ashes of their
possessions, a charredfloor board gave way, and, much to their joy, they
discovered a totally undamaged single sock that had been missing for 19
===== 1/26/97 New York City -- Richard Cleeve, the President of the Board of a Cooperative Apartment Building in NYC, the Almondo, reports today thatseven hundred odd socks had been recovered from the apartment of a demented tenant whohas been stealing them from the laundry room for over three years. The tenant's only defense was he was getting even with the other tenants who were taking one of his socks every time he did the wash. In addition to the socks a vast quantity of arms and ammunition was found in his flat. |