From: Thanks so much for your reply, and your trust. I know what it is like to struggle with something that we know is wrong. Wrong because it keeps us in bondage and corrupts our thoughts. I am amazed at the number of replys I've received. We are not alone in our struggles. However, because of the number of replys, I can't write each person individually. That would take me days. Instead, I am writing a main letter that I will be sending to all who e-mailed me, very shortly. My story is long, but rest assured, everyone will identify with me. And, most of all, I will show everyone how I was set free by surrendering my soul, mind and my problem to Jesus Christ. He is TOTALLY capable of healing us, so long as we are ready to allow him. Many who have replyed are, in some way or another, Christian. Most of them have said the same thing: They have prayed for God to help them for years, but no real luck. There is more to it than that. It is a lifestyle. A new lifestyle! It replaces our old "sinful" lifestyle, and cleanses us of all unrighteousness! Jesus Christ is the answer. I never was a "religious" person. I wasn't sure who, or what God is. Now I know! I have a personal relationship with him, and so can anyone. Yes, He loves us. Yes, He will accept us where we are. But, He calls us to be righteous. We must surrender our lives to Him. We must acknowledge that He sent his only Son, Jesus, as the atonement for our sins. We must accept what was done for us by Jesus, and invite Him into our hearts to be Lord of our lives! That is who he is. There is nothing he can't do. However, we have an enemy called the devil who hates us, hates God, and wants to destroy all of God's people, because he knows that in the end, God is going to destroy him. He lies to us. He keeps us in bondage, and tries to deceive us. He doesn't want us to know the truth! The Bible says, "Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!" That's why so many in this world today think it's OK to do certain things. They say, God is all love and will accept me as I am. That's half true. God is ALL love, and will accept you. But, he hates sin because it destroys us. We are His creation. As long as people are deceived, the devil wins. Just believing in God, or a god, is not enough to recive eternal life. The Bible makes it quite clear what we need. John 3:16- "For God so loved that world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever beleives in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." (NIV translation) In John 3:3, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless a man is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." How are we born again? It's so easy, it's almost unbelievable. We say a prayer like this. Say it to yourself now, if you want. It's the first step. You can put it into your own words if you like. If you've said this before, as I think you have, then say it again. But, for your sake, just in case, I'll write the rest of this letter as if you've never said it. If you have, then say it with a new anticipation of what God will do!!!! Lord Jesus, I come before you as a sinner. I know that I have sinned. And, Lord Jesus, I know that the penalty for sin is death. But Lord, I know that you shed your blood on the cross as the ultimate atonement for our sins. So, right now, Lord Jesus, I ask you to forgive me of all of my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. And I ask you, Lord Jesus, to come into my heart. I surrender my heart and my life to you, and make you Lord of my Life! Come now, Lord Jesus. Live your life in me. And, I will live for You, and I will serve You, all the days of my life. Thank you Lord for forgiving me, and thank you for coming into my life! Now, Bruno, continue to thank him and praise him. You have no idea yet of the importance of what just happened. If you said that prayer and meant it in your heart. That's it. You are saved. You have just sealed your salvation in the blood of Christ! Now, this is the beginning of a walk. Are you ready? It may get difficult at some times, but it will be the most exciting walk of your life. According to the Bible, your name is written in the "Book of Life"! REJOICE!!! Of course, there's more, but the most important part is over! You are going to heaven. Now, in my letter, you will learn how to turn away from your fetishes, and give them to Christ. He bore all of our sins on the cross. He is our deliverer! He delivered me, and He WILL deliver you! REJOICE!!! REJOICE!!! Just start talking to God, and Praising him. Praise is one of our most powerful weapons against the devil. He flees when we praise God. SHOUT PRAISES TO HIM!!! Raise those arms up to him!!! I wish I could be there to rejoice with you.!!!!!!!!!!! Did you know that the angels rejoice everytime a new name is written in the Book of Life?!!! Right now there are angels rejoicing for you!! Now ask God to fill you with His HOLY SPIRIT!!!!! Start PRAISING HIM AGAIN!!!!!! If you knew me when I was in sin, you'd never believe this was the same person. Jesus set me FREE!!!!!!!!! Please e-mail me back and tell me that you prayed that prayer. In my letter, I will tell everyone how to pray that prayer, and the prayer of deliverence. You will be set free!!!!! The first step has been taken!!!!! My reply letter should be done soon. God Bless you! Jeff Ramore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear friends, Sorry for taking so long completing this letter. I have been extremely busy and haven't even had the time to go on-line. I have been overwhelmed with the amount of e-mails I've received. So many are hurting and looking for answers. Most who e-mailed me are Christians struggling with this bondage. Most, if not all, have had it since childhood. I being one of them. I never understood it. I never asked for this, so why did I have it? I had it even before I was sexually developed, so as a child, it was a source of great confusion. Interestingly, I never spoke about it to anyone. No one ever had any idea that I had it, and as a result, I just took it as something that made me, me. Naturally, as I became a teenager, I began to associate it with sexuality. I liked girls, but for some reason, I was attracted to boy's feet. This later led to feelings of, how else do we say it, homosexuality. At least I thought it was. Though, I must admit, I never had a desire to have sexual relations with a man. But feet, and the fascination with them just grew more and more. And, when I first got my computer, I, for the first time, was able to get access to all sorts of pictures and sights that had to do with feet. I was shocked. I thought I was the only person in the world that had this fetish. I knew it was strange, and never dreamed anyone else had it. That's why I never discussed it. Having the internet only made me fall further and further into the sexual aspect of this fetish. Now I would associate it with all sorts of perverted things. Things like bondage, kidnappings, tickling (sensual)-- you name it! What's more, whenever I had the urge, I just clicked onto my "favorite sites" and had all the feet pictures I wanted at the click of a mouse. I didn't have that in the past. It began to consume me. There were times I could not concentrate on anything else. I'd be up till all sorts of ridiculous hours just to get my fix. Then there was talking to others with the same fetish about it. Needless to say, I was in bondage. I needed more and more. I was CONSUMED with lust. I found myself doing the most ridiculous things. About a year and a half ago, I was watching the 700 Club on the Family Channel. It is a Christian show hosted by Pat Robertson. It was at a time when I knew I was really bad. I was torn inside, and having to keep this a secret was even more difficult. I needed something! They always show a different testimony everday about a person who was set free from things like drugs, alcohol, witchcraft, satanism etc... I was watching a guy who was addicted to pornography. He told his whole story. I was amazed. I thought, "how is this possible?" I never thought of God, or Jesus Christ as someone who you could actually have a personal relationship with. The guy went on to say that he gave his heart to the Lord, and God delivered him from his addiction to pornography and gave him peace and a new life. None of what he said really made any sense to me, but I knew I wanted what he had. After that, Pat Robertson said that what Jesus did for that man, he would do for you (ME). He said, "Say this short prayer with me". It was at that point that I nelt down right there infront of the TV set, and prayed with Pat Robertson. I gave my heart to the Lord, right there. I didn't have to be in a church. God was right there with me. I felt as if I had, for the first time, seen myself for who I was. I began to weep. I asked God to forgive me. I poured my heart out to him. I felt His love overflow within me. This is the first step. If any of you do not know the Lord Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you have to start with this. For those of you who have in the past, you have to recommit yourself to him. Before I go any further, stop right now, and say this simple prayer- out loud! You can use your own words if you like, but the jist has to be that you turn your life over to God, and allow Jesus to come into your heart and cleanse you and forgive you of your sins. Here are Bible scriptures that tell us what we need to know: John 3:16- "For God so loved that world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever beleives in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." (NIV translation) In John 3:3, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless a man is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father (GOD) except through me." How are we born again? It's so easy, it's almost unbelievable. We say a simple prayer. If you've said this before, then say it again. Say it with a new anticipation of what God will do!!!! PRAY THESE WORDS!!: Lord Jesus, I come before you as a sinner. I know that I have sinned. And, Lord Jesus, I know that the penalty for sin is death. But Lord, I know that you shed your blood on the cross as the ultimate atonement for our sins. So, right now, Lord Jesus, I ask you to forgive me of all of my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. And I ask you, Lord Jesus, to come into my heart. I surrender my heart and my life to you, and make you Lord of my Life! Come now, Lord Jesus. Live your life in me. And, I will live for You, and I will serve You, all the days of my life. Thank you Lord for forgiving me, and thank you for coming into my life! Now continue to thank Him and praise Him. You have no idea yet of the importance of what just happened. If you said that prayer and meant it in your heart. That's it. You are saved. You have just sealed your salvation in the blood of Christ! Now, this is the beginning of a walk. Are you ready? It may get difficult at some times, but it will be the most exciting walk of your life. According to the Bible, your name is written in the "Lamb's Book of Life"! REJOICE!!! You are going to heaven. Christ bore all of our sins on the cross. He is our deliverer! He delivered me, and He WILL deliver you! REJOICE!!! REJOICE!!! Just start talking to God, and Praising him. Praise is one of our most powerful weapons against the devil. He flees when we praise God. SHOUT PRAISES TO HIM!!! Did you know that the angels rejoice everytime a new name is written in the Book of Life?!!! Right now there are angels rejoicing for you!! Now ask God to fill you with His HOLY SPIRIT!!!!! Start PRAISING HIM AGAIN!!!!!! 1. Now that the first step is over, you need to start a new! Clean up your life of all things that pertain, in any way, to your fetish. Throw them away! Clear you hard drive of any and all material that is sexual or tempting. Clear your room, your house, your car-- clean out everything!! This is what I did. 2. Get a Bible and start reading it. Start with the gospel of John. Ask God for wisdom and stregnth. The Bible says, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." How can we expect to be set free if we continuously give the devil a foothold in our lives? We have to close EVERY DOOR to the devil!!! That's why we have to stand firm when we are tempted. God never allows us to be tempted beyond what we can handle. And he always gives us a way out. So many times it is we who make that choice to sin. We must FLEE temptation! STOP VISITING INTERNET SITES THAT WILL TEMPT YOU!!! If you do, you are giving the devil permission to entice you and drag you into sin! IF YOU KEEP WATCHING, READING or doing ANYTHING that has to do with feet or the like, you will CONTINUOUSLY be TEMPTED and FALL INTO SIN. I cannot stress this enough!!! This is basically it. I know it will get tough. It certainly got tough for me, but it's the only way. But, there's good news. You are not alone. Jesus will be there carrying you every step of the way. Pray to him always! Cry out to him when you need help. READ the Book of PSALMS in the Bible. It has many wonderful prayer songs about being tempted. ***TEMPTATION doesn't go away overnight. It takes time. It took me almost a year to be completely delivered. Even now, I still will not allow myself to view anything that will cause me any temptation. I had to pray a while before I went to that Bulletin Board to post my message of hope. I posted my message and left. I never even returned to see what people wrote in reply. I knew that anyone who really wanted help would e-mail me. My walk with the Lord is a daily thing. I pray everyday for a total of about an hour. I read the word (Bible) everyday! I am at church 2-3 times a week. I LOVE THE LORD!!! HE DELIVERED ME!!! I LOVE TO SERVE HIM!!! HE HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!! I HAVE PEACE AND JOY LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!!! You have to walk with God daily. Pray everymorning to Him. Ask Him for help when you need it. He knows your struggle and wants to cleanse you. BUT, STAY AWAY FROM TEMPTING SITUATIONS!!!! If you know something will tempt you, DON"T DO IT!!! 3. Now, begin your walk with God by finding a church and getting involved there. You need to be with other believers. They will build you up. You don't have to reveal your proplem if you are embarrassed. If you meet someone you feel you can trust, like a Pastor or Minister, or counsellor, then you can tell them if you wish. They WILL NOT TELL ANYONE. They will pray with you and for you!!! That's something that van be invaluable!!! If you need help to find a church, go to On the main page, go to the AOG directory (Assembly of God). Try to find a church in your area, and go. Most importantly, do not Give Up!!! The devil will try his best to discourage you. You may feel you are losing the battle at times. But God promises us that if we stand frim, and trust him, we will win! Afterall, the war has already been won!!! You are now a child of God, and have access to his kingdom!! He will answer you. JUST DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! If you do fall, get up again, ask God to forgive you, and pick up from where you left off!! I hope this will help all of you. It's hard to write a generic letter, so if any of you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at anytime. I will be more than happy to help you with anything!!!! I'm always here! As you go along, you'll have questions, just feel free to ask! If you follow the steps above, you will be successful. JUST DON"T GIVE UP!!!!! It take some of you longer than others. Some may get set free immediately, some may struggle for a while: but just keep yourself clean of any material that will tempt you, and pray to the Lord on all occasions!! Please e-mail back to me and let me know how all of you are doing!!!! GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU! Sincerely, Jeff Ramore