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I will be graduating from the College of Santa Fe with a Masters in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership in May, 2008. This will serve as my online portfolio. I also have an ALA-accredited Masters in Library Science. (Now known as Library and Information Science; we were the first class to be required to study OPACs, Online searching, and Personal computers.) My BA is in English with a minor in Professional Writing, although I tried to be a double honors major in English and Zoology. My pregnancy with a special needs child prevented me from graduating with a double bachelors and also picking up a Masters in Genetics. There is never enough time for all my interests, which is one reason I became a librarian. You have to know how to find information on everything.

secret area

My Teaching Information

Various Careers and Projects
Latest Resume


modelling work

My thousands of photos

I'll tell you all about me on this page if you keep scrolling down!

I was married in October, 2005 to Robert J. Baca, and changed my name to Nancy Carol Douglas de Baca. Previously I was a hyphen. (Nancy Douglas-Payne, after a brief marriage to R. Steven Payne.)

Robert and I are now both in teacher education programs. He is at UNM finishing his BA in secondary education. His field is social studies and his love is history, historical reinactment, and geneology. He knows a lot about New Mexico and Spain. For pay, he is working as an insurance agent.

I signed up at the College of Santa Fe to be certified as a secondary language arts teacher. I may also pick up a reading or science endorsement if I can. I'm trying to take graduate level courses, after sixteen years of not being in academics at all.

Our dog Joyce went camping with us for the first time in May, 2005. She really enjoyed it; everyone she met told her she was a good dog and petted her. Her only regret was being on a leash all weekend. (We were with over 1,000 people.) When the people played Bocce in front of her, she wanted to go chase the balls.

We have five cats and two guinea pigs. I got my first pig as a classroom pet when I was still a school librarian. My cats are Carbon Copy, a black neutered male, and Machak, a tiger striped neutered male. Plus the females, Scooter, a tortoiseshell, Ostrich, a tuxedo cat, and Sarah, a fluffy grey and white part-Persian that thinks she's human. Both Machak and Sarah hate being groomed, but they have long hair that tangles, so I have to give them brushing and hairball medicine. YUCK!

Places I have worked
K??? channel two internship in television production University of New Mexico Media Technology Department -- on call camera operator KDEF - FM talk Radio Production Manager
Various Volunteer places -- as an ESL conversation club tutor Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute -- now known as Central New Mexico Community College Clientlogic -- doing Earthlink ISP dial-up connectivity, browser and email support.
Evangel Christian Academy Various Temporary Agencies as Needed Albuquerque Job Corps Center

So far, many visitors have come into my parlor to stop & sit a spell. Pet my cats! Take your shoes off and curl up with a good book! I love amateur theater! I am an educator & writer, but I am too disorganized to be a bureaucrat!

WELCOME TO SQUIDGETE'S COOL GREEN CAVE! This is the section where I tell you about us!





The Swamp Squidgete of Mulberry Bend

My interests are:
Books, political activism of the peace & justice sort, solitude, cats, horses & other animals, teaching English as a Second/Other language, great literature, Creative Writing, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and anything else I can get my hands on a book about.

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Thanks for dropping by. I am interested in teaching English as a Second language overseas. I also care about all kinds of poor people's issues & adult basic education. I have experience world in both broadcasting & print media. I will be expanding this are as we go along. (P.S. I like cats & horses.)

This is my LINKS and MAILBOX section

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Books just wanna be FREE! See what I mean at:

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