Welcome to Sef's Official Webpage

Updated February 2, 2000

Hey everybody, thanks for visiting my first webpage.  The page is dedicated to the goings on of my life.  I thought I was smart and tried to program it with HTML, but I'm not.  Instead, I decided to use Yahoo Pagebuilder to make it.  I am still building this site and probably will never get finished, but I will work on it whenever I have free time.  This page is for all my family and friends.

Me, Myself, and I


Go Here or Else

For anybody who is wondering what this is, check it out in my Personal Section.

Page Descriptions

Personal Page--This page contains everything there is to know about me.

Picture Gallery--This page has a list of all the pictures I have uploaded to this site.

Hot Links--This page has a bunch of links that I frequent very often.  Check them out.