I, S.S., will M.A. The power to shave and restore his Bronco to a full mint condition.
I, Shane, will Ben, Jake, Pete, Leon, Rob, and Chad a dip.
I, Heintz, will B.S. a barfbad so he doesn’t puke in my car.
I, Oak, will Sahwnee Mack a 4-finger PYMP ring.
I, P. “The Salaminizer” R., will Shane, Leon, Brian, and Kyle, O.E. and St. I so they can sleep.
I, S.S., will A.C. and K.D. the ability for us to be friends for life.
I, P.W., will J.B. the ability to remember all the nights out on the town and a friendship that means the world to me.
I, J.H., leave McPike a big fat J.
I, P-Dog, leave my bottles of California Fruit Beer and my P-Dog lettuce to Skogie as he begins his trek to Milwaukee.
I, The Beckster, leave her sidekick, Nerdster, the prime spot.
We, The Hockey Team, leave The Basketball Team the will to get to state.
I, M.M., will B.B. the ability to find “the woman”.
I, M.M. will J.G. everything that I’ve ever written because you know what I’ve been through and that I never would’ve made it without you.
I, M.M., will R.E. the ability to send me a round trip ticket to La Crosse.
I, B.T., Leave T.P., J.J., and J.R. the right to be the nicest women I know and if you ever need to talk I am just seven digits away.
I, Debbie, will Lee, Amy, Becky, Colette, and Kelly good luck in their futures.
I, Tracy, will Martha, a fun summer and nice time at Steven’s Point.
I, L.V., will all the senior guys the strength to deal with the women of the future and I will the girls the ability to do what they want.
I, J.G., will I.E. (a.k.a The Pest), with my help, the ability to make his fantasies come true.
I, Joboo, will The Pest my love,
I, I.E. leave T.J. some hops.
We, S.K. and I.E., leave D.E. some diapers.
I, Martha, will Lee and Colette the ability to at least remember all of the great times we had.
I, “Reba,” leave Lori more dumb blonde jokes for on the way to Nashville.
I, The M&M Queen, leave to Jayme and Margot a lifetime supply of Olive Garden breadsticks to tear up.
I, D.O., will Dynamite S. the power of a Hoover.
To T.L., I leave all the candy trips and standing in the slowest lunch line ever. –H.B.-
I, M.B.A., leave B.B. the third and center tree at the landlab.
Dear Becky F, I will thee some advice, Hockey players rule everything Land, Sea and Ice. –S.F.
I, R.E. will S.P. a new V.W.
I, T.T., will M.Z. the power to be decisive.
I, A, will M.B. some kind of man she can manipulate just a little bit more.
I, will Cool Girl to help me find a boy named June Bug.
We, Wingy and C.B., will Dad a chicken dinner that won’t make him sick.
I, Bina, will Scooter Ross a new Muffler to repair the curb damage to the Vette.
I, M.Z. will C.B. the whole cast of Platoon.
I, S.F., will K.M. the ability to get my zipper up on the first try without the use of your teeth.
I, Stacy L., leave Jenna Marie our little “walks” and talks.
I, Stacy L., leave Seth E. a mini-van.
I, Stacy L., leave Brent B. lots of love and many thanks for everything you did.
I, Rachael, leave Margot those fond memories of Chem and Physics.
I, K.D. leave A.C. MENS, MENS and more MENS.
I, K.D. leave P.W. a can of deodorant, a sunrise, and a TWIRP date with P.H.
I, K.S. will C.S. a lifetime with Rat Boy.
I, K.S., will M.P. to find and marry “car”.
I, T.J. III, will S.K. a shower to wash the yella’ out of him.
I, T.J. III, will I.E. a new thumb.