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Would you like to have your information posted on this site?  If so, head to The Form, and your information will be added within a few days.  If you are worried you may get Spam from posting your email address on the site, it is highly unlikely due to the Email table is treated as a picture file instead of a readable html file.  If you are still freaked out about it, you can select to have you email address NOT posted on the site.  If you choose this option, reunion info will be sent directly to you and not in a mass email. 
Don't Forget! If you change your email address please come-back and update us on your whereabouts. A search of "Madison East Class of 1993" at Yahoo, Google and most other search engines will give you the path to the Class website.
Please keep in mind you may be able to reconnect with some of your old classmates thanks to this FREE site.  Other sites such as  charge you 35 bucks a year to access such information.  So if this site helps you find a long lost friend or lets you take a trip down memory lane please help build the class of 1993 account by making a small donation (2-5 bucks), by clicking the below link to our PayPal account.  Or if you would like to send a check make it payable to: "Class of 93 Reunion" and mail it to: 2409 Apache Dr. Fitchburg, WI 53711. Thanks!

It should take no more then 45 seconds to load the table below  with a 56k modem.

Link to email table: