1. Where should the next reunion be
held? Location:
2. Should the next reunion be in:
5 years
10 years
15 years
(Other) Other: 3. What month
would you like the next reunion to be held in?
January February March
April May June
July August September
October November
4. What type of reunion would you like the
next one to be? Dinner Dance
Picinic Informal Potluck
At a Bar
Muliple days starting on Friday with an ice breaker
(Other) Other:
5. How much would you pay per person ?
(Most reunions cost between 30-60/person, due to
mailings, hiring caterers and DJ's) 50-60 40-50 30-40
20-30 10-20 5-10
6 . Would you be willing to donate $2.00 - $5.00 (or
more) once during the next 5 years to keep to overall costs of the reunion down?
(please keep in mind that the website, classmates email addresses, message board,
photos and videos are complete FREE, other websites like classmates.com and
reunion.com charge a yearly $35.00 fee to access their information).
Yes No
7. What did
you like best about this reunion? Please write
your comments in the space provided:
8. Is there anything you would do to improve this
reunion? Please fill comments in the space
9 . Do you have any ideas for improving the
Class Website?
Create "Alumni Where Are They Now Page" Yes No
Create Other: 10 . Would you be interested in being on the
East High Class of 93’ Reunion Committee? If so
please fill out the following: Name: Email:
11. Other
comments on the 15 year reunion? Thank
you for taking a few moments of your time to fill out this form. Your feedback
is invaluable to us and will help in the planning of future