Apparently not everyone bows down to your paragon of virtue. Apparently not everyone respects God-like talent and abilities. Apparently not everyone who visits this wondrous thing called "The Rooster Site" feels the same as you. Apparently these are not real dippers. Let's get on with the show!

IDIOT #1: "Copenman"
Reason For Being An Idiot: Stupid Guestbook Signing
Apparently some people do not understand the concept of an "UNOFFICIAL" Web Site. Let's see here, "unofficial," "not really official," "doesn't sell chew..." Ahem! Are we understanding things yet? Besides that, Mr. "Copenman" here has a nice Site at Yeah, real nice job here. You did a nice job of snagging everyone's graphics and then not giving anyone credit.

IDIOT #2: "Copenhagen_98"
Reason For Being An Idiot: Stupid Guestbook Signing
"Copenhagen_98" here seems to believe that "we suck" and that our smart-ass remarks are not funny. Well, for you I say this: there's this new thing on your browser. It's called "The Back Button." You click on it and you can leave the Site!!! Pretty freaking nifty, huh? Also, when asking a question, please use question marks at the end. It's hilarious when people try to make fun of us when they cannot even complete a sentence properly.

IDIOT #3: "Timmy Moss"
Reason For Being An Idiot: Stupid Guestbook Signing / Dumb and Harassing E-Mails / No Creativity / Only Bashes and Makes No Real Intelligent Points or Remarks / Etc.
Good old Timmy here is a real winner! He wins the award for being the most idiotic so far. Everyone check out his poor attempt at a Site at It's really pathetic. Besides that, Tim likes to E-Mail us about twice a day to yell and complain about our links section. He must have gotten offended or something. Anyhow, he likes to sit there and bash away, call names, etc. and he never makes one intelligent point. Hey Tim, if you're out there, why don't you go back to school and get educated? We believe Tim is getting someone to buy his tobacco (probably Bandits) for him because he cannot be of age.

IDIOT #4: "X-Copenhagen"
Reason For Being An Idiot: Stupid Guestbook Signing / Like We Don't Know This Stuff
This guy (or gal) decided to put the following in the Guestbook: "Must see future ?" Note that this link brings you to the Site showing the effects of long-term smokeless tobacco use. Hey, we all know the health risks involved. We all know the harmful effects on the gums and teeth. The constant reminders are getting redundant and annoying.

IDIOT #5: "Tom"
Reason For Being An Idiot: Totally retarded E-Mails
Tom here seems to get enjoyment from spending his entire day looking through the dictionary for a plethora of words that will make him seem more intelligent. He seems to believe that Kodiak (while a fine product) is SO much better than our beloved Rooster that it requires ten billion e-mails a week telling us how stupid we are. Tom's time was much more well spent when he stuck to what he knew best: Porn Sites. Things got all stirred up when Tom decided to stray from his ritual of constant masturbation to visit our site. Therefore bringing forth boring and inconclusive e-mails that wasted our time and slow down the development of future updates. So to Tom, we hope you read this on your way to the next kiddy porn site and appreciate our candor.

IDIOT #6: "James R. Loisel"
Reason For Being An Idiot: Being Afraid Of Our Studliness and His Stupid E-Mails
Good old James here seems to believe that he will "kick (our) ass." He wrote to us a nice E-Mail about how we were such big homosexuals. It is funny to get these kinds of E-Mails, because it is so very easy to see the hidden meaning in his subconscious, which is obviously his homosexuality begging to come out.  James told us that we should go lick each other's asses, when in fact is is he who is in desperate need to lick another man's ass.  James, if you're reading this, please know that many homosexuals are coming out of the closet in our society today, and you should not be afraid to admit the truth about yourself.
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