1210 Franklin St.
Iowa City, IA 52240
Master of Arts, Library and Information Science · University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, December 1997
Bachelor of Science, History · Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, December 1993
Systems Librarian · University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, August 2006-present
Provide support for the Libraries' operation and maintenance of the Aleph integrated library system, InfoHawk.
Share responsibility of implementing and testing software enhancements and/or fixes.
Responsible for daily batch printing which includes various circulation, serial and acquisition reports.
Responsible for maintaining web interface to various catalogs as well as implementing new features.
Serve as service manager for the following applications: MetaLib, DigiTool, and CONTENTdm.
Aleph Systems Librarian · University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, May 2001-August 2006
Test, edit and place into production various system defined management reports.
Work with implementation team members, local programmers and software vendor to assess, test and solve system functional problems.
Serve on a library team that identifies and analyzes various Web OPAC problems as well as possible solutions.
Serve on a cross functional library team that identifies and analyzes various system problems as well as possible solutions.
Aleph Implementation Librarian · University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, March 2000-April 2001
Edit, create and maintain system files through a UNIX operating system.
Responsible for daily batch printing which includes various circulation, serial and acquisition reports.
Test, edit and place into production various system defined management reports.
Work with implementation team members, local programmers and software vendor to assess, test and solve system functional problems.
Cataloging Librarian · Kansas City, Kansas Public Library, Kansas City, Kansas, February 1999-March 2000
Performed original and copy cataloging for books, serials, and audio-visual items.
Performed daily authority work based on lists of every new heading added to the database.
Worked to eliminate database inconsistency, including the deletion of many mongraphic records whose holdings needed to be moved to appropriate serial records.
Created documentation for local cataloging practices of audio-visual items.
Average monthly cataloging statistics: copy cataloging (475 books, 22 serials, 141 audio-visual items), original cataloging (10 books, 1 serial, 32 audio-visual items).
Bibliographic Processing Librarian · University of Iowa Law Library, Iowa City, Iowa, February 1998-January 1999
Temporary one year appointment to a shared position with department head.
Performed copy and some original cataloging for monographs.
Created and maintained in-process records.
Worked on retrospective conversion project of government document materials.
Created documentation on the processing of a special donated collection of presidential material.
Supervised one full time staff member.
Evening Reference Librarian · Kirkwood Community College, Iowa City, Iowa, February 1998-February 1999
Provided reference
assistance to students and faculty.
Provided/coordinated circulation operations during evenings and weekends.
Managed serial collection of approximately one hundred subscriptions, including orders, check-ins, claims and processing.
Provided evening bibliographic instruction for teachers and their classes, as well as instruction on setup and use of email accounts.
Maintained and developed vertical file collection.
Helped create Web pages for how to use the college's online periodical index (Infotrac Searchbank's Expanded Academic Index).
Supervised part time and student workers.
Collection Development Assistant · University of Iowa, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, Iowa City, Iowa, December 1996-January 1998
Retrieved MARC records from RLIN database that were passed on to the acquisitions department of the university's main library for ordering.
Maintained library's journal usage database and collected relevant ISI citation data to assist the collection development librarian in making continuation and cancellation decisions on journal subscriptions.
Assisted with a nursing collection weeding project as well as a retrospective conversion project .
Manager · Englert II Theatres, Iowa City, Iowa, August 1995-December 1996
Hired, trained, scheduled and supervised a staff of twenty-one.
Performed daily bookkeeping and banking,
weekly payroll, weekly inventory of snack bar, and weekly screen advertisement reports.
Purchased needed supplies and equipment and processed related invoices.
Provided daily maintenance for 35mm projectors and other projection booth equipment.
Assistant Manager · Coral IV Theatres, Coralville, Iowa, August 1994-August 1995
Assistant Manager · Ames Theatre, Ames, Iowa, January 1991-August 1994
Circulation Department Volunteer · Iowa City Public Library, Iowa City, Iowa, August 1995-May 1998
Assisted with checking in returned items and performed rough sorting of material.
Disc Jockey · KRUI Radio, Iowa City, Iowa, May 1997-January 1999
Hosted specialty show called the Milk Cow Boogie which focused on honky tonk, rockabilly and western swing music.
Created and maintained Web page on the radio station's Web site with show information and weekly playlists.
Music Director · KUSR Radio, Ames, Iowa, August 1991-December 1993
Acquired music recordings for the radio station either through budget funds or requests to record companies for promotional recordings.
Maintained catalog of acquisitions and developed an electronic database to replace the existing paper file.
Stored, arranged, and weeded radio station's music collection.
Served on radio station's board of directors and voted on all station policy, programming and activities.
Supervised the work of a music staff of six individuals.
Music writer · Muse News, Des Moines, Iowa, August 1993-June 1994
Wrote record and concert reviews as well as feature stories on local musicians.
Computer Skills
Operating systems: Proficient with Windows (3.1, 95, 98, NT, ME and 2000) and UNIX. Working knowledge of MS-DOS and Macintosh OS.
Email: Proficient with Eudora Pro, Pine and Netscape Messenger. Working knowledge of Microsoft Outlook and Novell Group Wise.
UNIX text editors: Proficient with VI, Emacs and Pico.
Other software: Proficient with Access, Excel, PowerPoint and Word. Working knowledge of Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Filemaker Pro, PageMaker, Paradox, PhotoShop, Sound Edit 16, Sound Forge and WordPerfect. Familiar with FrontPage, Fusion Recorder and Hyperstudio.
HTML: Knowledge of basic, intermediate and some advanced level tagging.
Information Retrieval
Proficient in searching: Internet, OCLC's
Passport for Windows and OCLC's FirstSearch. Working knowledge of RLIN, DIALOG, and Medline through OVID
American Library Association (ALA) / Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)
References Available On Request
The URL for this page is http://www.geocites.com/CollegePark/Library/9110/BrianJ2.html