The Generative Model for CALL Development:

The term "generative" is intended to be taken in the linguistic, but not syntactic, sense. A "generative" system is a set of rules which generates new structures. In linguistics we refer to a generative grammar, which is a set of rules which generates new utterances. Since the new structures arise from the set of rules, they all fall within the range of acceptability of these rules. CALL activities which are generated by following the Generative Model would be pedagogically and theoretically sound; the Model provides a rubrik which developers can follow.

The Model does not contain any new material; rather, it is a synthesis of elements from Instructional Design, existing commentaries on CALL development, foreign language standards, lesson plan design, and educational psychology. What is unique about the Model is the combination of these elements into a package specifically designed for CALL development.

It should be noted that this is a work in progress; readers should look at this as a first draft, a call for comments, and a stimulus for discussion about CALL development.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.

Andy Radzik

The Model:

  1. Choose content
  2. Determine the performance standard
  3. Identify the instructional goal
  4. Decide the desired functional linguistic performance
  5. Determine the appropriate CALL paradigm
  6. Choose a learning activity
  7. Follow the CALL Development Rubric to design and develop materials

  1. Choose content
  2. Determine the performance standard
  3. Identify the instructional goal
  4. Decide the desired functional linguistic performance
  5. Determine the appropriate CALL paradigm
  6. Choose a learning activity
  7. Follow the CALL Development Rubric to design and develop materials

Comments, discussion, and suggestions are welcome! Andy Radzik
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