Welcome to Ellis's Homepage
Thanx for surfing my homepage
This web page is for you, my friends and relatives actually anyone is welcome to view or surf my page. The main point is for myself to learn HTML.
***** UNITED KINGDOM *****
A Tour in Britain
British Broadcasting Corporation
If you live in South England and you can understand Cantonese. Here is an enjoyment for you.
There is a Cantonese radio station everyday from 6.00pm - 7.00pm at 558am Hz
If you want the DJ play your favourite song here is their web site for you am558 web site or e-mail at: dj@558.net
* Debenhams
* Evans ( for size 16-30 )
* Burton Menswear
Dorothy Perkins
Top Shop
* Top Man
* Principles
Racing Green
* Sisley
Prospects the web site for graduated or undergraduate work placement ( U.K. ONLY )
When the sun is out, the weather is hot. It is cool to hide under the tree. So sent a cyber card to save a tree. Thank-you
HK_Net from Hong Kong
Greeting Card from Singapore
Cardmaster from AAN (US)
***** Hong Kong *****
The following links you need TRADITIONAL Chinese Window95 ( free ) or Big5
Hong Kong Tourist Association
HK TVB (HK Televsion Broadcasting)
TVB Jade Solid Gold Super Song programme
電視城 TVB
Drama and other gossip
RTHK Radio Television Hong Kong
Hong Kong Newspaper - Apple Daily Online Newspaper
The English newspaper in HK - South China Morning Post
Next Media Magazine 壹週刊
TVB Weekly Magazine
Jacky 張 學 友
Leon 黎 明
Priscila 陳 慧 嫻
*Daniel 陳 曉 東
*Karen 湯 寶 如
*Ronald 鄭 中 基
*Vivian 周 慧 敏
*Alan 譚 詠 麟
Polygram main page
View Guestbook
Delicious Chinese Cuisine ***** Teddy bear collection in plan text
Number game (Chinese) Year 2002 Calendar The meaning of the flower
Brain and Eye Test 快樂的人最美麗
Valentine Evolution Test
My friends Home Page
Solomon St. Lucia the Caribbean
Carol Uganda
Sadi Bangladesh
Chocolat Chaude
Please come back soon and visit me.

Your comments are welcome please E-mail me
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1998 by Ellis Yau Last update: 2002
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