Need some good reading?

I've read all of the following books. They are great. Some are kids books, but hey,
my degree is in elementary education. What do you expect? If you are looking for some REALLY good reading, try Deseret Book.

The Book of Mormon--Another Testament of Jesus Christ is a companion volume of scripture to the Holy Bible and contains the account of the Savior's appearance in ancient America following his resurrection.

My favorite book by far is the Book of Mormon. I would be happy to share a free copy of it with you. I'll even have it sent directly to your home. Just follow this link and fill out the requested information.

One Tattered Angel is a remarkable story of the power of love to reach beyond physical limitations. This is a touching, true story about the "angel" Blaine and his wife Kathy adopted in 1988. Born with hydraencephaly -- only a brain stem and cerebrospinal fluid -- Charity changed the lives of their entire family. Blaine Yorgason describes the immense difficulties and even greater joys of raising Charity along with their six children. In a home filled with love and compassion, Charity outlived her doctors best predictions and progressed beyond belief.


This is a wonderful childrens book about a mother and her son. It'll make you cry, and if it doesn't, you aren't human.

This is one of MANY books by V.C. Andrews. She is no longer living, but has a ghost writer who still writes in her name. I love almost any of her books. Although, after reading a few of her series, it's like reading the same thing over and over again.

In the hill country of West Virginia, life is hard, but it is the only life young Heaven Leigh Casteel has ever known. Through the frigid winter nights, when the wind blows mercilessly through the cracks in the cabin floor, Heaven huddled in an old patched quilt, dreams of college-and of her beautiful, frail mother, who died in childbirth at the age of 14. She determines to someday go to college and to find her mother's family, Boston Brahmins who never learned their daughter's fate. Meanwhile, she must help her step-mother, Sarah, feed and care for the four other children, for her Pa is a no-good moonshiner who beats and then neglects his family. Heaven seeks and finds refuge in her schoolbooks; in Tom, her beloved half brother and soulmate, and in sweet little Keith and "Our Jane," the youngest Casteel children. Then Sarah, treated too shabbily for too long by her mean-tempered husband, leaves the cabin for good, and Luke Casteel comes up with a monstrous scheme: one by one, he sells his children for $500 apiece! Heaven, her heart already breaking, is sold to a young couple from Atlanta, the wife a pampered brat and her husband with a not-too-fatherly look in his eyes. It is then that Heaven learns how a fancy home in the suburbs can be its own kind of hell, and from the day she knows she'll never rest until her family is together again.

In this humorous story, Alexander T. Wolf tells his own outlandish version of what really happens during his encounter with the three pigs. He claims that he runs out of sugar for a cake that he is making for his grandmother. In an effort to locate sugar for his recipe, he visits the homes of his pig neighbors. At the first two houses, he goes into sneezing fits and ends up blowing the houses down, killing both pigs. Of course he couldn't let those two good meals go to waste, so he eats them up! When he visits the third house, occupied by a grouchy pig, the wolf endures nasty insults, and as a result, tries to knock down the front door. When the police arrive at the scene, they capture an angry sneezing and wheezing wolf. After he ends up in jail, the wolf claims that he is being framed by the media, who are "blowing" the whole story out of proportion.

It's Tuesday night, and a large bullfrog suddenly wakes up to discover he and his lily pad are
floating in the air! Soon the sky is filled with flying frogs, careening on their pads and having a whale of a
time. At dawn, they all come crashing to the ground, and return to their now boring life at the pond. Whatever
will next Tuesday bring? Wiesner uses his considerable artistic talents to weave humor and the surreal into
this near wordless tale.

"You can always tell when you study the life of a prophet that the Lord has had His hand in his life from the beginning," says Sheri Dew, author of Go Forward with Faith. She also wrote the first biography of Ezra Taft Benson. President Hinckley made his own time available for interviews and feedback and allowed Sheri to interview his family, personal friends, and colleagues, including both of his counselors in the First Presidency and each member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He also made available personal writings, including talks, records, and journals, as well as personal and family photographs.

Sheri Dew has traveled extensively in the process of preparing this biography, including making a trip to the British Isles and Asia for the dedication of the Hong Kong Temple. "Temple work is a passion with him," she says. "He has been involved with the dedication or rededication of forty-three of the forty-eight existing temples. To dedicate a temple in Hong Kong was a dream come true for him, as he has worked for over thirty years with the Saints there."

Elder Neal A. Maxwell has stated that "President Hinckley is helping to lead the Church out of obscurity. . . . He has marvelous gifts of expression that enable him to present our message in a way that appeals to people everywhere." President Hinckley's influence on Church growth has become increasingly apparent in recent years.

When Elder Gordon B. Hinckley first visited Asia in 1960, the Church had only two missions serving that vast continent. Tiny branches of Saints - a dozen here, twenty there - met in members' living rooms and rented halls. There were no stakes. But his optimistic nature filled him with a vision of the potential for spreading the gospel in this area of the world. Indeed, in the Philippines, where there was only one native member of the Church at the time, he expressed to a group of Latter-day Saint servicemen his view that "missionary work will be done in the Philippines in the future and that it will be as fruitful as it has been in many other places in the world."

Thirty-six years later, President Hinckley made his first trip to Asia as President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The picture had changed dramatically, as evidenced by what awaited him in the Philippines: "By midafternoon on May 29, 1996, the Araneta Coliseum, where an evening fireside was to be held, was filled beyond capacity. Lines had begun to form at 7:00 A.M. for a meeting that wasn't scheduled to begin for twelve hours. The official count later indicated that at least 35,000 members had crowded into the coliseum's 25,000 seats. Many Saints had traveled twenty hours by boat and bus to reach Manila. . . .

"When word reached President Hinckley that the coliseum was full and that the building manager wondered if there was any way they could begin the meeting early, he immediately said 'Let's go.' As he and Sister Hinckley entered the vast arena to find it packed with what was believed to be the largest audience in an indoor facility ever to hear a President of the Church in person, the congregation spontaneously rose to their feet, applauded, and then began singing an emotional rendition of 'We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet.' "

"He is a wonderful human being, and he happens to be a wonderful human being whom the Lord has tutored, and trained, and refined, and molded for this day," testifies Sheri Dew.

Message in a Bottle, Nicholas Sparks's eagerly anticipated second novel, proves that this author can uncork the magic again. The film industry caught on to the buzz immediately. Warner Brothers snapped up movie rights within 12 hours of submission, and Kevin Costner, Robin Wright, and Paul Newman will star in the film.

The book is a heart-wrenching tale of self-discovery, renewal, and the courage it takes to love again. Teresa Osborne, a 36-year-old single mother, finds a bottle washed up on a Cape Cod beach. The scrolled-up message inside is a passionate love letter written by a heartbroken man named Garrett who is grieving over "his darling Catherine." Teresa is so moved by the stranger's poignant words that she vows to find the penman and publishes the letter in her syndicated Boston newspaper column. Questions linger in her mind and heart: Who is Garrett? Who is Catherine? What is their story? And most importantly, why did this bottle find its way to her?

Imagining that Garrett is the type of man she has always been seeking, Teresa sets out on an impulsive, hope-filled search. Her journey, her discovery, and the wisdom gained from this voyage of self-discovery changes her life forever. Love's unimaginable strength as well as its tremendous fragility echoes on each page of Sparks's newest gem.

This is my favorite book by Nicholas Sparks. It is a moving love story. This book is by far my favorite fiction piece of work. I love this book.

The Notebook is a deeply moving portrait of love itself, the tender moments and the fundamental changes that affect us all. Shining with a beauty that is rarely found in current literature, this book establishes Nicholas Sparks as a classic storyteller with a unique insight into the only emotion that really matters.

Set amid the austere beauty of coastal North Carolina in 1946, The Notebook begins with the story of Noah Calhoun, a rural Southerner returned home from World War II. Noah, 31, is restoring a plantation home to its former glory, and he is haunted by images of the beautiful girl he met 14 years earlier, a girl he loved like no other. Unable to find her, yet unwilling to forget the summer they spent together, Noah is content to live with only memories...until she unexpectedly returns to his town to see him once more. Allie Nelson, 29, is now engaged to another man, but realizes that the original passion she felt for Noah has not dimmed with the passage of time. Still, the obstacles that once ended their previous relationship remain, and the gulf between their worlds is too vast to ignore. With her impending marriage only weeks away, Allie is forced to confront her hopes and dreams for the future, a future that only she can shape. Like a puzzle within a puzzle, the story of Noah and Allie is just the beginning. As it unfolds, their tale miraculously becomes something different, with much higher stakes. The result is a deeply moving portrait of love itself, the tender moments and the fundamental changes that affect us all.


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