Liz's Page. . .

Where the mindful meet the mindless in the "Crash of the Titans" !!

Welcome to my web page. . .

My name is Liz. I'm no longer at university, but am working as a markup expert for a publishing company in the USA.

Due to the fact that I want to draw more attention to myself, this web page has been set up, to serve as a "welcome mat" to my world. . . enjoy your visit!

The following ought to serve as an index to all things Liz. . .

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Table of Contents

Liz: The Web-Page For all the "vital statistics" about me, check this link out!

My Resume It's self-explanatory. Now, if I could learn to spell. . .

Patchwork If Shakespeare can publish on the web, I can, too. I may not be as famous as he is, but this is an EXCLUSIVE look at my poetry. (Last update: November 1997)

Just For Kicks This is my all-time greatest accomplishment. I've managed to waste enough time on-line to suggest how YOU ought to waste YOURS! Last updated AND expanded! in June 1998.

College Songs I have decided to type up the lyrics to several of the songs we usually sing while hanging out at Stuff Yer Face on Wednesday nights. If Harry would give me the lyrics to "Loyal Bums", however, my life would be complete.
  Relax. I'm kidding!

The Star Wars Drinking Game  After losng Jeff Schell's "Best Star Wars Drinking Game on the Net" to his graduation and account deletion, I took it upon myself to amend the loss of the easy-to-read, two-column format. It doesn't work as nicely as his did. I've also included a "text-only" option.

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I support FREE SPEECH!!!

This page has been visited. . .times since December 20, 1997

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Comments should be addressed to LIZ. . .genius for hire. . .or just plain "god"

Last Update: Monday, December 20, 2004.