Whoooo Wheeeeeeeee :) now for the fun part! :)
*smile* As I've already mentioned, I've been raised by my grandparents :) They're also the parents of my daddy :) All 3 of them were born and raised in Poland, which is also where I was raised and lived for a few years. Unfortunatelly, even though I speak polish fulelently, I do not have a polish accent :/ *smile* [And just *what* accent do I have, is a totally different story :) As of right now, I sound a bit 'mericunish, altho' even the natives to the US, know that I'm NOT from around here :) Quite rightiously too :)]
Every member of my family graduated from post-graduate school and holds some sort of a higher degree, so that puts quite a bit of pressure on us (the younger generation, that is) to do really well in the academic field.
My mum and dad :) |
My mum and I :) |
My parents and I :)
My grandmum seeing a web-cam for the first time (December 1999) :)
*sigh* The following paragraph was written in June of 1999.
In February of this year I've gone through a deep depression over the death of my grandfather. He passed away on 1st of February 1999, and after being away for 6 years, I've flown to Poland for a week for his funeral. Words fail me when I attempt to describe the loss I've felt. I was hurting for a very long time after the funeral and it took me over a month to be able to interact with others on a normal level.
Pictures from the funeral:
Family, friends and neightbours.
Anna helping out with the flowers.
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