Centers![]() |
Week of October 14- 18 |
Scrapbook Pages- Human Life Cycle The children will be reading a book called How Do Things Grow? Then they will find the baby picture that I scanned from the photographs sent in and place the picture on their scrapbook page. They are to answer questions on the page about themselves at the age of that particular picture. Finally, they will decorate the picture. |
Make-a-word Your child will be making words using words parts ir, er, and ur (r-controlled vowels). They will be writing their words on index cards |
The Lion and the Mouse The children will be reading the Aesop Fable The Lion and the Mouse. They will first read the book with a partner or their whole group. Next the will read the book alone and complete a story map about the book. The last thing they will do is take an AR test on the book. |
Build a Mouse House Part one We will be brainstorming what might make a mouse happy on a home. The children will think about what a mouse may need, such as food, water, a warm place to sleep, etc. They will draw a diagram showing a mouse cage they would like to build. The children will then critique each other's house and choose one to build. Next week we will be building our mouse houses! |
Math Essential Game/ File Folder Game The children will be playing the various file folder games on math skills we have been working on. |
Week of October 7- 11 |
Essential Game/ File Folder Game The children will be playing the various file folder games on math skills we have been working on. |
Big and Small The children will be looking at a picture of a lion's face that is inside a small grid. Then they will sketch out the face in a larger grid beside it. This will work on our symmetry and spatial skills. |
Activity The children will be using microscopes in this acitivity. They will choose a slide. Next they will draw what they see on the slide without using the microscope. Then they will look at the slide under the microscope and draw what they see. They will do this a few times then answer questions provided on the science sheet. |
Camouflage The children will be learning about how animals use camouflage as defense. They will choose a book to read that is about camouflage. Then they will draw a picture of an animal they learned about and show how that animal uses camouflage in the picture. |
Those Eggs The children will be cutting pictures out of several eggs. Then they will decide how to sort the eggs by using the attributes of the eggs. They will glue the eggs on paper and then describe how and why they sorted the eggs they way they did. |
Week of September 30- October 4
Investigating Eggs Part 1 Which egg has more mass, a brown egg, or a white egg? Children will be using a balance scale to figure out this question. They will be getting the mass of a large white egg and a large brown egg. They will discover which egg has more mass and formulating inferences on why it has more mass. |
Invesitgating Eggs Part 2 In this center the children will be given 4 different size eggs. (medium, large, x-tra large, and jumbo). The children will get the mass on each egg and write down their date. When finished they will use their data to make a graph. |
Math Essentials Game Children will be playing "Scoo-de-doop". Each child will take turns spooning out a spoonful of beans. They will be making 10 ones and putting them in the tens place. The first to make 100 wins. |
Embryo Development Concentration The children will use cards that show different stages of the inside of a chicken egg. They will play concentration with these cards as well as put them in the correct order of development. |
Chicken or the Egg In this center children will take a poll of 10 children. They will walk around and ask 10 children which do they believe came first, the chicken or the egg. They will graph their data and then they will cut out pictures of the chicken life cycle, glue them in order, and place the correct sentence under each picture. |