All about

Ms. Perry

Hi! Big warm welcomes to my homepage!  I hope you find this homepage helpful as well as fun.

I have attended Bertie County Schools since I was in second grade. I grew up and still live in Colerain, North Carolina.  In 1996 I graduated from Bertie High School.  While I was in high school I participated in band (I played alto saxophone) and chorus (sang both alto and soprano).  

In the Spring of 1996 I did senior internship at Windsor Elementary working with the fifth grade.  It was then I decided I wanted to be a teacher.

I began my teaching degree in Fall 1996 at East Carolina University.

I completed my ECU internship (student teaching) at Arthur Edwards Elementary School in Havelock, North Carolina.  There I taught children from over 90% military families.  This school was also a year round school.  I really enjoyed teaching there- it was a great school.

In May 2000 I graduated from ECU with Cum Laude honors. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education, with a child studies concentration (child development and family relations) , and certification in Reading K-12. I am now pursing my masters of education in science education at ECU.  I am very excited about this because I have a great love for science.

I am a member of NCAE (North Carolina Association of Educators), NEA (National Educators Association), and NCSTA (North Carolina Science Teachers Association).

My interests include astronomy, photography, music, movies, animals, and computers.

My biggest hobby is astronomy.  Last year I bought a Meade LX90.  This is an 8 inch Schmidt Casegrain Telescope.  It is AWESOME!  I have seen the moon, planets, open clusters, galaxies and much much more.  I plan to work with another teacher in planning a "moon party night" where I will bring my telescope to school for parents and children to observe the night sky.  During this time parents and students may bring their telescopes/ binoculars.  I am very excited about this.  Please see the link page for more links on astronomy.

I am currently in my third year of teaching.  My philosophy of teaching is to simply inspire children to learn, dream, and make their dreams come true through education.  I use multiple intelligences, centers, and hands-on approaches in my teaching.  I also differientiate my lessons so that I can reach the different levels in my room.

Picture of my dog

Picture of my finace'