![]() Hi! Big warm welcomes
to my homepage! I hope you find this homepage helpful as well as fun.
I have attended Bertie County Schools since I was in second grade. I grew up and still live in Colerain, North Carolina. In 1996 I graduated from Bertie High School. While I was in high school I participated in band (I played alto saxophone) and chorus (sang both alto and soprano). In the Spring of 1996 I did senior internship at Windsor Elementary working with the fifth grade. It was then I decided I wanted to be a teacher. I began my teaching degree in Fall 1996 at East Carolina University. I completed my
ECU internship (student teaching) at Arthur Edwards Elementary School in Havelock,
North Carolina. There I taught children from over 90% military families.
This school was also a year round school. I really enjoyed teaching
there- it was a great school.
In May 2000 I graduated from ECU with Cum Laude honors. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education, with a child studies concentration (child development and family relations) , and certification in Reading K-12. I am now pursing my masters of education in science education at ECU. I am very excited about this because I have a great love for science. I am a member of NCAE (North Carolina Association of Educators), NEA (National Educators Association), and NCSTA (North Carolina Science Teachers Association). ![]() My interests include
astronomy, photography, music, movies, animals, and computers.
My biggest hobby is astronomy. Last year I bought a Meade LX90. This is an 8 inch Schmidt Casegrain Telescope. It is AWESOME! I have seen the moon, planets, open clusters, galaxies and much much more. I plan to work with another teacher in planning a "moon party night" where I will bring my telescope to school for parents and children to observe the night sky. During this time parents and students may bring their telescopes/ binoculars. I am very excited about this. Please see the link page for more links on astronomy. I am currently in my third year of teaching. My philosophy of teaching is to simply inspire children to learn, dream, and make their dreams come true through education. I use multiple intelligences, centers, and hands-on approaches in my teaching. I also differientiate my lessons so that I can reach the different levels in my room. In my room NO CHILD IS LEFT BEHIND. |
Picture of my dog Dusty ![]() |
Picture of my finace' Elton ![]() |