A Day
Through a Teacher's Eyes
Angela Perry

Indoor shot existing lighting

I walk to the copy and mail room to get my attendance folder and any other importnant mail.  "Good Morning!," I say.

The children have not arrived yet.  Better get some last minute planning done!

The children come in and put their homework in the "homework" box and unpack.  Many of them have stories to tell me. I encourage them to save their stories for their journals and to begin their morning work.

A child begins his morning work activity.

Time for our poem and song of the week.  "Ready- SING!"
Next we listen to the announcements, say The Pledge of Alliegience, and say our class pledge.


A child works on a halloween candy graph.

These children listen to Arthur's Halloween by Marc Brown on tape.

Portrait of a person (relative close-up)

A child cuts apart our Haunted 100 chart puzzle.

Macro - a very close close-up of something or someone. (You must use the Macro setting.)

This child is cutting apart the homes for "Trick-or-Treat Street."  He is working on putting the houses in number from least to greatest.

This student participates in Make-A-Word.

Indoor shot with flash

Time for the math meeting and math instruction.

Interruption- A third grade AIG student  reads a halloween story to our class.

Another interruption- This week were are celebrating Red Ribbon week.  Today is clown day- your clown outfit has to have a drug free slogan on it.  Aren't they cute?

Action shot - a picture of someone doing something with some action in it

A little teamwork to help a fellow classmate get ready for judging.

Specials and Lunch Time
(pictures not available yet)

Time for whole group reading instruction.  Children read Anansi and the Talking Melon during our week of studying spiders.

The last activity of the day is D.E.A.R. (drop everything and read) and journal time.  Here we see two students reading a Marc Brown book.

Before leaving two students say goodbye to our classroom praire dogs.

Outdoor shot

It has been a long but exciting day.  The teachers get their children on the buses for dismissal and go back in to plan for the next day.