Laura's Girl Scout Page


I have been involved in Girl Scouts since I was a first grade Brownie and have not stopped. I am currently in my 19th year as a Girl Scout and have a lifetime membership.

I grew up in the San Antonio Area Council and spent 5 years in the Bluebonnet Council, currently I live in the Circle T Council.

Girl Scouting has been important in my life, from troop activities to summer camp to earning my Gold Award. From Girl Scouting I've learned leadership skills, organizational skills, people skills, camping skills and a treasure of other wonders.

I wear/ have worn many hats in Scouting. I am an experienced outdoor trainer, led a Cadette / Senior Advisory Team, member of the Gold Award Comittee,Girl Scout summer camp counselor (program director summers 97 & 99) and was the co-founder and president of the Texas A&M Campus Girl Scouts (Karen Kortum is currently president and doing a super job!).

In 1998 I led 5 multi level troops thru an afterschool program, but due to changes in the program, I am not doing this anymore. In 1999 I lead Junior Troop 1357 (I miss you girls!) and lead the Daisy / Brownie Troops at Rock Prairie Kids Klub. Currently I lead a multi-level troop (Daisy, Brownies and Juniors) at the Roquemore Elementary Boys and Girls Club in Arlington. This group is quite a handful and a very different experience from my Juniors and even my Kids Klub kids.

During August of 1999 I was one of the chaperones on an older girl trip to Savannah, Georgia to visit the Juliette Low Birthplace! A little about that trip, we took 5 girls and 2 adults (including myself) in a 15 passenger van. We drove from College Station, TX to Savannah GA going through Mobile, AL and back through Atlanta, GA, Meridian, MS and more. We were at the JGL center for Victorian Venture the day after the fire. (minimal damage to the attic). Also while in Savannah we went on a Riverboat ride, a ghost talk ghost walk, Juliette's walking tour and soo much more. Additionally we visited the USS Alabama in Mobile, a plantation home in MS and we saw Hugh Grant in Atlanta.

In addition to my multi-level troop I am still very actively involved with Girl Scouts here in and out of the Circle T Council. I am an Experienced Volunteer Trainer, I train mainly age-level and outdoor trainings. I am semi-active as a member of my Service Team for the North Star community. (unfortunately, my grad school schedule only allows for "semi-activeness"). I can often be found out at Camp Timberlake or Steven's Ranch lifeguarding for troops and I have a few international opportunities coming up!

And now for a little bit of bragging =)... April 98 during the Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council's Annual Meeting I was awarded the Appreciation Pin for my dedication to Girl Scouting in our service unit. This was a great (and unexpected) honor for me.

A bit more bragging... In February, 2001 I was one of 5 participants chosen by GSUSA to attend WEAVE 2001. This is an international event for leaders of girls aged 5 - 10. This event is being held in Hamilton, New Zealand. I met so many wonderful people from all around the world. There were 7 countries represented: New Zealand, USA, UK, Singapore, South Korea, Phillippines and Australia. It was an experience I will never forget! I am so excited and so honored to have been chosen to attend.

And the final bit of exciting international news. Next summer (early July, 2001) I am going to be the asst. leader of a council sponsored trip to Pax Lodge in London, England. Myself, the trip leader Brenda and the 10 girls are already working on making this girl-planned event a great success. Again another wonderful opportunity that I am not only excited about, but honored to have been selected as a leader of.

Girl Scouting is so important because of the way it gives the girls involved opportunities they may have never had, and in the way it inspires confidence and self worth in girls.

I encourage everyone to become involved, it is a wonderful experience.

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