Laura's Home


This is my homepage again. My first one is long gone. Thats okay because it was outdated anyways. This page is very liable to change as I change it. So a little about me. I graduated in May 99 with a BS in Genetics from Texas A&M University. I am a Girl Scout Leader and am currently teaching 9th grade IPC (Integrated Physics and Chemistry -- it used to be called Physical Science). I teach at the wonderful Freshman Campus in the DeSoto ISD in DeSoto, Texas. I *love* my new job!!!

I'm rapidly finishing graduate school at The University of Texas in Arlington. pursuing my teachers certification and my masters in education through the university's School of Education .I graduate on May 12, 2001.

I am actively involved with Girl Scouts and will be participating in international events in New Zealand and England during this year. To see everything else I do with Girl Scouts, visit my Girl Scout pages.

And for the best news of all.... Saturday, July 15, 2000. Brian and I were married at Los Patios in San Antonio, Texas. It was a wonderful occasion. I am slowly putting wedding pictures online -- visit my wedding album page!

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Personal Disclaimer...I am sorry if anyone has been offended by some of the stuff signed in my guestbook, I will try and check it and clean it more often. BTW if you don't have something nice to say in the book, don't sign it please!