While you are here you can check out:
Molly- a chemical engineering major and my html "tutee".
Julie Szmyd - a computer science major and one of my very intense suitemates.
Carmen Brabham - a systems engineer major and another crazy suite mate.
Samantha Brdek - the wonderful friend that got me into making this page.
Jenny- A chemical engineering major and yet another friend that I convinced to get a web page!
Michelle, my sister - I made one and she had to follow. It is quite impressive though!
Tracie Peck - My craziest friend I have ever and will ever have.
If you saw my page and have something to say, you can email me at lnj@po.cwru.edu
Background courtesy of Beth Collins.
This site has been visited times since 12/10/97.
Last updated July 9, 2000.
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