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What is "Sternstein"?

The full name of the Students-Group Sternstein is "Katholische Österreichische Studentenverbindung Sternstein zu Bad Leonfelden" which means in English "Katholic Austrian Students-association Sternstein in Bad Leonfelden".
Sternstein was founded in 1978, but its precursors can already be found in the 11th century. These clubs were societies between the teachers and the students of monastery schools, the "universitates civitum" (lat. citizens of the universities). But the first student-club, which is very similar to Sternstein, was the Teutonia Innsbruck (Tyrol), founded in 1876.

Couleur-Students can be recognized by their outfit:

a colored cap
Sternstein´s cap is gold-yellow
a color-ribbon with 3 colors
Sternstein: red-gold-green
a so-called "Wichs"
a decorated, old-fashioned dress. You can see a student in a "Wichs" on the Page XXXXXX.
But also the "Burschenschaftler" groups look like katholic student-clubs, although their aims and their principles and even their thoughts are completely different to ours. As opposed to the Burschenschaftlers we have absolutely nothing to do with Nazi ideologies.

Our Principles

We have 4 Principles:

lat. living as a katholic christ
lat. patriotism (Austrian)
lat. friendship, to all members of all katholic austrian students associations
lat. science (eternal seek for knowledge)

In our banner (on the links-page) you see:
1) the 3 colours of Sternstein red-gold-green
2) the flag of Europe blue with 12 stars
3) the flag of Austria red-white-red

Another interesting page for non-German speaking visitors: Patria with plenty landscape pictures from our neighbourhood.

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