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(Feel free to use this banner if you wish to link to my site. Dorky, I know, but it was one of my first animated Gifs.)
If you have this page bookmarked, then reload it every time you are here...I change it weekly!
Last updated: 05/01/99
This spot is reserved for future update and change notifications. Unlike most people, I am constantly adding/changing my pages. Check back often, but scan this box to see if anything has changed since you last visited.
Site created 12/29/97.  Haven't touched this page in about a year, but now I'm back. Will be slowly updating/redoing the entire site over the next few months.  Any comments or suggestions?
Jump right to the site MENU.
Wondering why I don't have frames? I was going to, but realized the menu was too big to fit reasonably...so guess what, you get one of the dreaded "Long Pages"...one of the things I hate the most myself. :0]

First of all, Hi! Thanks for stoppin' by!
To be honest, this isn't my only website. My other site is quite boring actually. It's on my account back at school, and well, I have to keep it fairly decent and respectable since possible future employers and the school checks it out frequently. There is a link to it further down this page if you really want to know more about me, or would like something to help you sleep (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....).
This site is dedicated more towards the silliness in my life, which I try to keep at a maximum. Those that know me well are acquainted with my dualism. When it's time to work or be serious, I'm all business (aka: anal). But when it's time to play, I become a 5 year old again. For me, there are times to be serious, and well, times when you have to realize that life is too serious to take too seriously. Anywho, enjoy the site, I hope to have this next remodeling done by June.

Enough of that garbage, here's your menu for this site:
My real Home page. Check it out...it has a lot more information about me and what I do at school. 
The radio station that I work and play at. At the moment, the site is down for massive repairs.
This page is dedicated to my cyberfriends...people I've met on the net, and links to their pages.
This page is all about me, my likes, dislikes, philosophies, and other boring crap.
My CEREBUS dedication page. He's cute, he's short, he's furry, and he'll chop your head off if you call him cute...
My Music page. An important aspect of my life. Here I rant and rave about what I like, and why. It's a HUGE page, give it time to load! Lots of links for fans of all music, overviews of audio media, and home audio tips!
Quotes Page. Some are serious, some are hilarious! (Includes the "Pinky Ponderings" list)
This is the beginnings of a website design help page, still working on it!
MU*'ing and RolePlaying on the net.  
My new Pittsburgh Penguins page...yeah, I'm a hockey fan, and I love the Pen's!!!
Some pics of me...more coming soon.
  Sci-Fi Page. In the making, where I talk about another love of my life...books, TV, and movies.
  Three of my favorite things, all wrapped in one. No hoax, these are Penguin mints...caffeine laced breathmints! 
Miscellaneous links and downloads...coming soon!
New pages coming soon! If you have an idea for one, let me know!
View/Sign my Guestbook. 
[It doesn't work yet, but please e-mail me comments and stuff!]

DISCLAIMER: The views presented here are strictly the opinion of the writer and do not reflect the views of his friends, University, his parents, family dog, third cousin's college room-mate's neighbor, etc. All references to other persons, whether living or dead, is probably intentional.
Page designed and created by J.D. Title Banner, Link Banner, "BITE ME!" sign, WTSC logo, "Web Design Help" and "Coming Soon" graphics created by J.D. If you wanna use 'em, O.K., just ask first.

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