~Titanic's Officers~
Standing (left-right): Mcenroy, Lightoller, Pitman, Boxhall, Lowe
Seated: (left-right): Moody, Wilde, Smith, Murdoch
Davey Blair was the original Second Mate but was discharged from the ship for its maiden voyage. With him, went the knowledge of where the lookouts' binoculars were stored.
Captain Smith brought along his own Chief Officer, Wilde, and the original Chief Mate--Murdoch--was bumped down to First Mate. Lightoller, the original first mate, assumed the slot of Second Mate. The rest of the officers were unaffected in their standings.
So, the order stood as this: Captain Smith, Chief Officer Wilde, First Officer Murdoch, Second Officer Lightoller, Third Officer Pittman, Fourth Officer Boxhall, Fifth Officer Lowe and Sixth Officer Moody.
Sixth Officer Moody was the youngest of the officers at 24. Fourth Officer Boxhall was next at 28 followed by Fifth Officer Lowe at 29.
Second Officer Lightoller abandoned ship only minutes before it went under and found his way to the overturned Collapsible B. 30 men climbed aboard and Lightoller took charge when one of the crew reconized him and said: "We'll do whatever the officer says." He made them all stand and use their body weight to counteract the waves.
Among the hodge-podge of strong swimmers who managed to clammer aboard Collapsible B that night were Jack Thayer Jr (just 17) and the junior wireless operator Harold Bride. Bride repeatedly told which ships had answered the CQD and SOS. Only the men about Collapsible B knew that the Carpathia was coming and should arrive at 4 a.m.
Fifth Officer Lowe and his lifeboat 14 was the only boat to return to the wreckage to look for survivors. He found 4. In the early morning, after the Carpathia arrived, he would also give Collapsible D a tow and rescue the people in the flounderly Collapsible A. He has been described as the busiest of all the officers that night.
Only four of Titanic's officers survived. They were:
Boxhall, Pitman, Lowe and Lightoller

Lightoller, Pittman, Boxhall (arms crossed), Lowe(seated)
Titanic Officers In Film:
So, you've seen the wonderful James Cameron movie Titanic and want to know who's-who and where to spot them?

(left-right): Moody, Wilde, Murdoch, Captain Smith, Lightoller, Lowe
Lightoller and Murdoch can be seen most prevelently in the loading of the boats scenes. Murdoch accedentally shoots Tommy and then turns, salutes his fellow crew, and commits suicide. I believe it's Wilde who says "Will, no!" as he brings the gun to his temple. Wilde is also the officer hanging onto the wreckage after the ship's gone down, blowing his officer's whistle. The one Rose uses to signal Lowe to come back after he passed her: "Hello!! Is there anyone who can hear me? Is there anyone who is alive?" Moody took the call from the crow's nest when lookout Fleet spotted the iceberg. Moody also is the officer just about the close the door when Jack and Fabrizo make it to the Titanic. He asks if they've been through the health inspection.
Boxhall can be seen lighting the signal flares and then waving a green flare around from his lifeboat when the Carpathia arrives at the scene of the wreck.
The Lowe's Flotilla:
Do you love Fifth Officer Lowe? Sure, we all do. Did you ever think you were all alone out there riping pages out of library books and wallpapering your walls with Titanic pics? YOU'RE NOT! The Lowe Flotilla began out small on Tim Doyle's Countdown to Titanic site and has grown and thrived. We've branched out and created our own web site and message board dealing with the Bridge Officers and Marconi Operators (my boys!!!). Visit our site (a href="/Hollywood/Theater/7937">Titanic Heroes) to see if we sound like a group you'd like to be a part of. (If you're sold already, contact Mimi Lai.)
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...I'm in charge of the wireless shack and Marconi operators bios! (As if you couldn't guess that already by how much I go on and on and on about the boys....)
This site is owned by Lowe Flotilla member Aurora Brynn.
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