Sailor Venus is the first of the sailor scouts. . .Actually, the last to meet up with with Inner Scouts since she was fighting crime in London as Sailor V before the other girls knew who they really were. Her guardian cat, Artemis, just found her quicker.
If you want to know about Mina's favorite school subjects and all that other stuff, go to Sailor Io's Shrine to Sailor Venus~~THE BEST Sailor V site I've ever seen. (And believe me, I've searched!)
Mina (or Minako in the Japanese original version) in her "normal school girl" self is very sweet and more than a little clutzy. No one really minds that she's always knocking things down and burning food since she's so sincere and always tries to be helpful. . .Sometimes it just back-fires on her.
As Sailor Venus, Mina's clumsiness seems to vanish. Maybe it's just because she got a 1 year head start on the girls in fighting crime and "Negaverse Trash", or all those Sailor V movie deals and video games, but she can jump higher than any of the other scouts and (on a few episodes) is said to be "the leader" of them. Wha--? Not Sailor Moon?? But, really, is "leader" a correct term? They use team work to defeat whatever's threatening Tokyo that week and no one is completely in the spotlight by themselves.
Among Sailor Venus's attacks are: "Venus Cresent Beam!" and (my favorite) "Venus Love Chain Encircle!" That little number could be quite popular off the monster scene. Don't we all have someone we'd like to encircle??
Mina gets along well with all the other scouts, but seems to be closest to Serena (Sailor Moon). They ARE the "owners" of the guardian cats.
Cute, huh?
Sailor Moon is one of my all time favorite cartoons. Great characters, plots and voice over acting. It's off the air in America now, but you can buy the vidoes at Toys R Us. They're 10 bucks for 2 episodes. Worth it?? You be the judge. . . .
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