OK, I admit I only became a fan recently but after watching the shows in syndication and all the brand new episodes, I can't believe I was missing this wonderful comedy for so long. I have never once not laughed during an episode. Sometimes I can't stop laughing! The writing and acting is fabulous and Mad About You deserves all the awards it's won.
You may be wondering (and then again maybe not) how I suddenly became a hard-core fan of M.A.Y. Well, over the summer (July '97), I recieved an email from a very good friend which said: "I had a dream last night that was like an episode of Mad About You except it didn't have any commericals. Instead of Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt it was you and me. We lived in Manhattan and you were a writer and I was some sort of middle-management type of person. It even had the theme song and everything." Sooo, naturally I thought: "Hmmm, what am I missing?" Before then, I had seen a couple episodes in syndication but not very many. From that night on, though, I watched them religiously. Yes, I confess again, that I only started watching M.A.Y because of his dream, but soon realized that it was a wicked cool show.
The basic plot of Mad About You is how a young married couple copes with life in the 90s with all its problems and--somehow--still manages to have a happy marriage. It stars Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt as Paul and Jamie Buchman. Their chemisty on screen is truly amazing and no one can bounce one liners off each other better than the Buchmans!
Mad About You
Apt 11-D
Mad About You Online
Another Fan Page