School Residence
11904 Carlton Rd. 540E
Cleveland, OH 44106
(216) 754-2163
Permanent Residence
1949 Concord Ave.
Youngstown, OH 44509
(330) 792-6461
Samantha Brdek

Case Western Reserve University
May 2000 anticipated graduation
Cleveland, OH
Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science; Minors in Chemistry and English
Chaney High School
June 1996 Graduation with High Honors as Salutatorian in class of 240.
Youngstown, OH

Lafe Technologies
Web Maintainer
June 1999 - August 1999
Richmond Heights, OH

CWRUnet Education Group / Curriculum Support Group
Computer Assistant
May 1998 - Present
Cleveland, OH
  • HTML mark-up of web pages and sites created and maintained by CWRUnet Education.
  • Constructed and maintain the Continuing Education web page.
  • Assisted in the development of web interfaces for existing print documentation, revision of existing documentation, creation of web-based library and CWRUnet tutorials, and also Internet-based research on topics related to the use of CWRUnet.

CWRU Office of Conferences and Special Events
Web Maintainer
Jan. 1999 - Nov. 1999
Cleveland, OH

CWRU School of Law
Secretarial Aide
May 1998 - Present
Cleveland, OH
  • Clerical work for the secretary to the Dean of the Law School. Included filing, xeroxing, answering calls, taking messages, and confidentiality.

Retail and Grocery Inventory Specialists
1996 - Present
Youngstown, OH
  • Handled inventory counts of client stores.

Student Telephone Outreach Program
Telephone Solicitor / Student Supervisor
1996 - August 1998
Cleveland, OH
  • Maintaining public relations with alumni and soliciting money for CWRU Annual Fund.
  • Commended as the Caller of the Week on numerous occasions.
  • Supervised fellow employees by running the shifts, training and coaching callers.

The Youngstown Vindicator
Newspaper Carrier
1992 - 1996
Youngstown, OH
  • Delivered newspapers for The Youngstown Vindicator. Route regularly included more than 80 families. The job also included monthly visits to homes along the route to solicit subscriptions. Received Carrier of the Week commendation in April of 1996.

Chaney High School
School Office Secretarial Help
September 1995 to May 1996
Youngstown, OH
  • Answered telephones and helped out students with questions while school secretaries were at lunch.

Austintown Optimists Club
Telephone Solicitor
July to December 1995
Youngstown, OH
  • Solicited contributions to the Austintown Optimists' Annual Santa's Christmas Show. Collected money and helped setup stage for the show.

Austintown Community United Church of Christ
1993 - 95
Austintown, OH
  • Handled serving customers for a Church run restaurant at the Canfield Fair. Also bused tables and washed dishes. The fair runs for two weeks every summer.

Operating Systems Windows95, Windows98, MacOS 7.x, MacOS 8.0
Languages HTML, C/C++, Javascript, Dynamic HTML
Software Metroworks CodeWarrior Pro, Microsoft Word, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, Netscape Communicator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Powerpoint, many others

Alpha Xi Delta Sorority
  • Vice President of Finance
  • Philanthropy Chair
  • Webmaster
CWRU Engineering & Science Review Magazine
  • Production Staff
  • Assistant Copy Editor
Kusch Residence Hall Council Student Ambassador
Film Society

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