Now Here!

Embarassing pictures of my family and friends

(Including some of me)

The thing that I enjoy more than taking pictures is being able to show them off to people. Thanks to Mike who took them all the way to Colorado, I now have them scanned in so that I can share them with you. Hopefully I'll have a picture of him up here soon.

I just got this the other day from my friend, Laura. Since it was one of the pictures from last year that I wanted to scan in, I decided to steal it and put it up. Enjoy!

my friends and I

From right to left, (top row) Molly, Beth, Elizabeth (my twin), Laura,
(bottom row) Julie, Me, Lauren, Jenny.

Here are a couple of more pictures. There were so many, that I figured if you wanted to see them, you'd go check them out yourself.

The day I was finally sprung My Former Roommate A pretty picture from my dorm
Me looking really cute Our Annual Portrait The day we looked like Kermit the frog
Wet and Wild My "twin" and I My favorite senior picture
Date Party Snowball

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