Beth's Page of Hearthrobs

One day Beth was bored and decided to look for pictures of cute guys. As everyone knows, I can't help but admire attractive looking men, too. This page is a product of her ingenuity and my persuasivness. I've dedicated it entirely to her and to all of those yummy looking guys that we'll never be able to have but will continue to dream about.

The Lucious Jon Cusack

The Incredibly Hunky Casper VanDien

Notice the adorable tatoo on his arm. I only have Mike to thank for making me see Starship Troopers and find this wonderful babe.

David Duchovny...What else is there to say?

Beth's Favorite, Matt Damon

Matthew McConneghey

The Fabulous Leonardo DiCaprio

I'm not quite sure who this musician is

Some random dork who asked me to add him to the page

Mike aka Trendy

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