My Friends with Pages
Here are the links to my friends from school that have pages:
- Maureen Abell - Maureen is going to Germany for Junior Year Abroad. Her page will be dedicated entirely to her family and friends so that she can keep in touch with all of us.
- Laura Jarus - Finally I found my soulmate for going to see old museums and trying to figure out what they used to look like.
- Molly Kennedy - Molly is co-oping at home in Cincinnati right now, but with a little time and procrastination, soon her page might be up to standards with Laura's and mine. :-)
- Genevieve Mathieson - Genevieve has beautiful red hair, but don't stare at her and let her know that's what you're doing; she'll begin to match her hair!
- Elizabeth Hedrick - Studying Abroad in England (I think) this year, you probably won't be able to visit her page until she comes back. :-(
- Joshua Wehner - This really tall guy is also studying abroad, but I can't remember where...I think he's in Germany, too. Maybe next year his page will be up and running again...
- Scott Morse - A great person, a good friend and a real sweetheart.
- Julie M. Szmyd - Julie is Laura's suitemate and inspiration is her name.
Here are those friends from high school or that I've known from other places:
- Kimberly Kim - I've known Kim for quite a few years now and for a while there we lost track of each other because she moved away. But by the conveniences of modern technology (and Art), we've been once again reunited. :-)
- Richard Will - Rich is one of the few friends from high school that I still keep in contact with. Strangely, I introduced him to my best friend, Donna, his girlfriend, the same day that I met Nate. He's just started his page, but go visit it often.
- Frederick Arthur Canning III aka: Art - Art and I have been enemies/friends since I first heard of him back in fourth grade. Now that we live in two completely different states I guess I sort of miss him, or at least being able to compete with him. Unfortunately, his page hasn't been worked on for a while, but I'm soon that eventually he'll have time to procrastinate...
If any of you would like me to include you in my list of links, just email me and let me know (please don't forget your address).
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