Meela's World
Hey everyone. I'm Meela, though I go by several nicknames like Whirlwind , Artemis , Pegasus, Shorty, etc. The latest nickname I have acquired is "Mieko" which has the same meaning as my real name in Japanese. It's been a while since I've seen my website much less update it. In reading my old "Meela" page, I realized how much I've grown up and how much wiser I've gotten in the process. But more on that later. Here's some stats on me.
I was born on March 3, 1976 in Florence, South Carolina on my father's 28th birthday. I lived in Florence until I was 8 and we later moved to Columbia, South Carolina. I graduated high school and attended Clemson University . I became a member of two community service sororities: Gamma Sigma Sigma , and Zeta Phi Beta . I graduated with my Bachelors of Science in Psychology, May 7th 1999.
After graduating Clemson, came a time that truly showed my weakness and my strength as a person. I won't go into details or even mention his name. I won't even say everything that transpired because I don't know you that well. *grins* But I will say this, if it wasn't for that "whirlwind" situation in Cleveland, I wouldn't be the Meela that I am today. This Meela has become stronger and realizes that she's not going to let someone walk over her nor be something that she isn't. I'm an oddball for a sista and I'm damned proud of it.
During that time, I worked as a Level 1 Technician for a retail software company in Cleveland OH. I lived in Cleveland from August, 1999 until I came back home November, 2000. That 15 month stay up there was the equivalent of pledging a sorority. It was bliss, it was hell, it was a time of self-discovery. Let's just say, I'm glad to be back home. Along the way, I ran into new hobbies and best friends. I became hooked on Japanese animation (anime), Japanese rock (jrock) and the wonderful world of fanfiction. I'll make a page of all that later.
Right now I work for a wireless company since May 2001. I like it there. It pays the bills. Sometimes I hate it but hey who truly love their job to death? *grins and shrugs*
That's all for now. If you want know what's going on with me stop by my online journal. I'll be changing the backgrounds and stuff soon. Until then. *waves*
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